Monday, September 28, 2020

Welcome to Monday

The weekend went by far too quickly and I am ready for another one. I am bored and have cabin fever very badly. 

While October is barreling down on us, I am finding it is still not chilly enough for my taste. I am just planning to enjoy the heck out of October if I can, God willing and the creek don't rise.

Monday Madness: "The Finish This Sentence"Questions

 1. My uncle once... got separated from his unit in WW2 and walked with his buddy clear to Germany where they stole a wheel of cheese from a German farmer. They were starving. The farmer chased them down and since my uncle knew German he realized the farmer was upset because the cheese was not ripe yet. He told my uncle that it would ruin his reputation if they ate that cheese. He had them come back and he gave them a wheel of ripe cheese!

Another time he was at a cross roads with a friend in France during the war. They were unsure which road to take. My uncle heard his deceased father tell him to go to the right. The other guy thought it was the stupidest nonsense when my uncle told him and proceeded to the left where he stepped on a land mine and was killed..

 2. Never in my life have I... smoked.

3. When I was five my parents , my aunt and uncle and I lived through an F5 tornado. 

 4. High school was..a great time for me.

 5. I will never forget to...  feed my fish

 6. Once I met ..William Shatner.

7. There’s this boy I know...who could hold onto a pole and lift himself straight out sideways.

8. Once, at a bar, I... Tap danced on a pool table.

9. By noon, I’m full swing

10. Last night I ...watched a few episodes of Hercule Poirot.

 Tomorrow is Tuesday 4.. see you then.


  1. Annie,

    The story about your uncle made me smile. The farmer was more upset because they took cheese that wasn't ready and feared for his reputation instead of being ripped off. lol Sounds like he and his buddy came out pretty good. My late FIL was in WWII but never saw action. The war ended on the heel of his deployment. Oh that's cool you met William Shatner! I met a few of the stars from the old TV series Mayberry RFD - Barbara Eden, Clint Howard, Betty Lynn, Margaret Kerry, Ronnie Dapo, Ronnie Schell, and Gobber's real life son, George Lindsey Jr. That was a lot of fun!


  2. The more I hear about your life, the more I think you should write your memoirs. I, for one, would read it!

  3. Your uncle's story is fascinating!

    You've got some very fun answers. :)

  4. My Grandpa was stationed in Germany during WWII. He did not talk about it much at all. That is all I know. Amazing story about your Uncle! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.

  5. You met William Shatner?! Tell us all about it!!!! 🖖

    "...he realized the farmer was upset because the cheese was not ripe yet. He told my uncle that it would ruin his reputation if they ate that cheese. He had them come back and he gave them a wheel of ripe cheese!"

    This is spectacularly cool. Love it!

  6. I've never smoked either. It isn't that I'm resistant to peer pressure, it's just that I've never wanted my hair to stink.

  7. Interesting questions...fascinating answers !
    The mufflered sheep is adorable !
    Wanna go shopping ???


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