z Cottage by the Sea : October Musings
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, October 1, 2020

October Musings

  Weeks are flying by.Everyone says that, but, it's so true isn't it?  Even kids notice it and as a kid weeks were long! Very long!

Weather experts are predicting a very cold winter.  The Grand Solar Min

imum will see to that. It effects weather, earthquake activity and volcanoes.

September ended with a few days of rain storms and October began with brilliant sunshine and bright blue skies!  Days are mild and lovely so far.


The beautiful Atlantic taken by the Famous Anonymous Kid

On the bay


Autumn on the pond


  1. Pretty pictures! We were at 104 today! October can be hot and dry so we still have another month of fire weather.

  2. Love your autumn pictures, especially the pond! It looks like autumn with the pretty gold fish and the colorful leaves starting to gather. I do believe we will have a heavy winter even here in Florida. There are so many berries on the trees and acorns in the oak trees, and things just feel different this year. Of course, winter in Florida is nothing compared to winter up north, but it can be very hard on the oranges groves and crops further south if we get any hard freezes. So I hope that doesn't happen because then prices go up on everything again or you just can't get the fruits and vegetables that we need for winter. So far we are having some beautiful October days! I hope it lasts a while! Take care and enjoy it while it does last!

    1. Yes, we are promised a cold winter with heavy snow for most of the central and northern (eastern) section of the USA. We need good hard freezes for the soil to be rich.

  3. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH What a spooky banner/header, LOVE IT!!!! Smiles

  4. So beautiful! Making me long for my vacation (on the beach) that's still 4 weeks away. But you are right, time is moving fast and it will be here before I know it. You live in such a beautiful place and I love seeing all your pictures.

    Have a blessed weekend Annie!

  5. Beautiful shot of the Atlantic. Can't believe it's October already!!

  6. How lovely those artistic talents are running in the family !
    Beautiful photos from both of you !
    Have a terrific day !


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