z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday...

Saturday, October 3, 2020



Cold nights, sunny days for the first 3 days of October making things look pretty good so far for the month.

Still pretty disappointed in the new Blogger as picture placement is awful. Its easy to lose an entire post trying to get photos up. Complaining to them seems useless lately too. Preview is pretty much broken and the  entire revamp is just pretty awful. They need to go back to the original and fix only what was wrong, not re-invent the wheel into something that does not even turn!   Doing this post was a huge pain in the neck. I am almost ready to forget about it.

Now for Sunday Stealing:
Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

Stolen from Funny Questions

1. If You Could Use A Time Machine To Go Back In Time To Fix One Thing Or Go To The Future To See What It Is Like Which Would You Do?

People would mess things up badly doing either one so I won't do either one.

'3. Are You Concerned With What Other People Think About You?
Sure and everyone should be. You want to set a good impression and example for people.

4. How Do You Handle People You Don’t Like? I avoid them completely.
5. What Do You Think Of Garden Gnomes? They are retro and cute.

6. You’ve Been Given An Elephant. You Can’t Give It Away Or Sell It. What Would You Do With The Elephant? learn  how to take care of it.

7. How Would You Design A Spice Rack For The Blind? with braile on each bottle.

8. How Lucky Are You And Why? I's okay. Chance is part of life but I don't push my luck so to speak.

9. What’s your biggest kitchen fail?  I chose the wrong floor.

10. What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in school? Nothing that I can think of.

11. If you could kill off any character from a current television show, who would it be? Not watching TV so... have no answer.

12 . If you could make a rule for a day and everyone had to follow it, what would it be?  Wake up and smell the coffee. Stop being stupid.
2. If All Of A Sudden There Was A Depression Or There Were No Stores To Buy Food, Clothing, Etc. How Would You Manage?
Don't know. In the depression of the 30's people could sell apples and pencils on the street. Today licensing nonsense makes setting up  a business to help your family survive a nightmare. A depression would be far worse today. Even home gardens are regulated in some towns. The heavy hand of too much government intervention is a problem. Setting up a garden would be key. Not sure how people would keep their homes though when society is mortgaged to the hilt and the government is broke though they won't admit it.
3. Are You Concerned With What Other People Think About You?

13. Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf for 24 hours? Elf

14. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? Nothing. Everything I do is good. so there.

15. Would your rather shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs?  shoot spaghetti.


  1. I'd slove to learn how to take care of an elephant, until I realized how much food it eats in a day!

  2. There's a soft spot in my heart for elephants...especially the babies !
    The close bonds they have with each other is a model worth copying !
    But , as with all that I admire , this , too , is best left in the care of experts .
    A friend once offered to let me drive a prized Corvette . The risks of damaging that beautiful car were far too daunting . The thrill for me is to enjoy the ride at the hands of
    an expert !
    Have a wonderful day . my friend !

  3. I enjoyed ALL of your answers.
    Have a good Sunday my friend.

  4. #9 - Actually we chose the wrong floor too. We have hard kitchen tiles and if you drop something breakable it shatters quote spectacularly - which is just annoying.




  5. oh #12... thank you for that... and great answers. New blogger is awful for photos and they are constantly changing it... settle down and let us start to heal from the whole ordeal!LeeAnna

  6. I guess I would learn to take care of the elephant, and I bet he would also take care of me. What kind of crazy question is #15? Jeepers...although I agree, I wouldn't want to sneeze meatballs. I think I'd rather be an elf too...a good elf who does fun little secretive things to help people and they don't know who or how or what happened...that would be fun to be able to do. Enjoy your Sunday afternoon. It is raining nicely here. We needed it, so I will enjoy it.

  7. The new blogger is indeed a pain. The photo thing keeps changing. I wish too that they'd simply left well enough alone.

  8. Annie,

    You and a few other responded well by not doing either with a Time Machine. That's actually good advice. Our human side wants to fix one's mistakes but reading y'all responses has me changing that decision if I were ever given a real choice to do either. You're right about a 'depression' being worse now than in the 30s. I hadn't thought of it but all the restraints on what a person can and can't do would cripple folks trying to make it. It's such a shame how invasive the government has gotten in people's lives but clearly that's where the stupid people come in to the picture and that happens to be your rule for the day. Good advice "Stop being stupid people!" :D Have a good day!



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