z Cottage by the Sea : A Fall Friday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, November 13, 2020

A Fall Friday

Friday photographs. Autumn and trees.  Nothing spectacular today, just some photos  taken as the sun was going down this week.

Looking down into the pond.. Wisteria turning yellow


Darkening sky


  1. Beautiful. Have a safe and happy weekend Annie.

  2. Fall is my favorite season. Pretty colors and cooler temps. Your neck of the woods is truly beautiful. We're finally getting those striking changes here in SE Georgia. Love it. Blessings. :)

  3. Your photo of the pond is lovely and the invitation to explore from the bunny path inspires daydreams...thank you !
    Have a pleasant day !

  4. Those look very much like the sky here in western PA today.

  5. Lovely pictures. I wish we had the trees around here!

  6. Beautiful pictures. I love to see the different stages of the leaves on the trees in the fall. Every day brings new pictures of their inner selves! They make interesting designs and patterns. I enjoyed these today. Thank you for sharing them with us. There is beauty in all of God's creation in every season.

  7. Hey I saw Peter Rabbit! smiles...thanks Ann...missing you. smiles

  8. Such pretty skies, and I enjoy seeing the fall colors!


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