z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Stealing Photos
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Sunday Stealing Photos

 Happy Sunday!  I am joining in for Sunday Stealing as any good thief would do on a Sunday.

Go see Bev  of the blog Funny the World to join it.. it's a lot of good fun.  This week's questions are stolen from Country Dew.

As always, the photos can be clicked on to see them full size.

1. Something held together with ribbon, string, or rope.
A bamboo wind chime.



2. Something related to travel. The Marina



3. Someplace people gather : The dining room


 4. Something cold/frozen :The back yard in winter


 5. Something with a hole in it.: the kitchen sink



6. Something striped: Candy sign!


 7. An animal. Famous Anonymous and her horse


8. Something cute. A blurry photo of my son.



9. A food. My Baked Ziti



10. Something warm : an afghan I crocheted

I hope you enjoyed today's post.  Don't forget about Tuesday 4. I'd love for you to join in. Click this link or use link in the side bar.


  1. Hi Annie, we have a bamboo chime like that too. Our old house had a dining room light fixture like yours. Your little boys looks like you, cute! That ziti looks yummy! Pretty Afghan, do you still make them?

  2. Loved your photos. Interesting selection of the kitchen sink as something with a hole in it! The afghan is beautiful. I wish you had left a link to Tuesday 4. What I found on Google took me to a 2019 entry. Do you post it every week?

  3. Lovely photos! I enjoyed seeing them all, and especially a glimpse into your home. Always so interesting! Not sure which I liked the best, they were all so special. Thank you for inviting us in. Have a happy and blessed day.

  4. What a lovely hostess you are !
    Wonderful photos...warm and welcoming home...delicious food and gorgeous afghan !
    Who could ask for anything more ?
    Oh...maybe to have the delight of being there !
    Have a splendid day , my friend !

  5. Beautiful!!! I loveeeeeeeeee your kitchen and dinning area. smiles---I so would love to come over and sit and chat the day away with you my friend.

  6. Thanks for sharing your pictures especially the one of your son.
    I enjoyed all of your answers today.
    Have a great Sunday my friend.

  7. Great job Annie! Pass the baked ziti please, it looks delicious :)

  8. Your ziti looks delicious and that afghan is gorgeous! I love the picture answers today. This was fun. Have a nice day.


  9. Nice photos. And your son is adorable. What a smile!
    Blessings. xx

  10. Your son is so cute! And I love that afghan. I sort of crochet but mostly I just make lines and have no idea what I'm doing with them. Might figure it out someday.

  11. Everyone, step back from the Ziti. lol I was musing along while gazing at your kitchen, the hole photo, and the birds started flying across it and gave me a start!
    I like the name of the horse's owner.

  12. Sweet photos! I need to get back into joining in things like this! the afghan is beautiful. I love the colors!

  13. Hi Annie...What a lovely blog with your sea gulls floating across the page. Fun pictures for your 10 Somethings. My favorite is your crocheted afghan. I do some crocheting, too.

  14. I didn't know you did crochet too!! Your afghan is beautiful. Your son is so cute, I think he must look just like you!!


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