z Cottage by the Sea : Today!!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


January 20th is National Coffee Break Day!       How fitting!! 

Enjoy friends.. Nothing else important going on today.. so turn off the boob tube..put up your feet and have a nice coffee break. You'll be glad you did.

January 20 is Coffee Break Day. Yes, even on Saturday! | Coffee break, Day,  National holidays


  1. Since we are retired, every day is Coffee Break day! At night it's Wine Break Day. *lol*

  2. That's exactly what I did today!! Nothing on TV worth watching! :)

  3. Worked all day...no time for TV (YAY !)
    Was able to have dinner with a dear neighbor...did NOT discuss politics !(again , YAY !!!)
    Stay safe and well , dear friend !


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