z Cottage by the Sea : Work.. tuesday 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, January 18, 2021

Work.. tuesday 4

 Hello and welcome to Tuesday 4 where we honor the memory of our friend Toni Taddeo by continuing her 4 questions each week meme!  It is wonderful that so many are joining in and I do hope more will come as well. Toni would love that.

Let's talk about work!

1. What kind of work does not bother you at all?

House work, yard work. I enjoy  seeing the results. Makes me feel happy.

2. What kinds of work do bother you and why?

Cleaning up after piggy people and also ridiculous work put on us by gov bureaucracy. You know .. like long forms, etc.

3. Is there a job you've had you loathed or  perhaps one you loved? Why was that?   I didn't love any of my jobs. I didn't like most of them since the bosses were not nice people over all and made things hard for everyone.

4. Do you have a job or kind of work you wish you were doing? What would make it attractive to you?  A great salary would make it attractive and I would love to do something in anthropology (if it was not a terribly politicized science that is.. but it is and so... what can you do!)

Thank you so much for joining in, I do appreciate your efforts to make this a success.


  1. I enjoy mowing the yard! I like seeing the progress, as you said :)


  2. It would be fun to do some anthropology kinds of jobs if money wasn't an object and you could do your own thing and be the boss! I would love to see where you would go and what you would do! What would be an example of what kind of work you would love to do with that? Is there a particular place or people group you would like to study? Tell us more about this field and why it is interesting to you.

  3. Annie,

    It's nice seeing one's results when tackling any job. I get that! I'm like that, too. Thanks for sharing. You'll find my responses on Curious as a Cathy. I hope you'll visit when you get a chance. Have a good day!

  4. I've gotten to where I won't fill out any long forms, even with Doctor's. I tell them, if it's important to you, YOU do it. *wink* Works every time. *lol*
    I like work too. There's such a wonderful feeling of satisfaction when one is done with whatever.
    Oh, and I've deleted my FB account today. I'm tired of being restricted and banned just because I am an American. I'll re-do the account later and will be sure to send you a friend request or, if you see me connected to Simply Linda, send me a request.
    Hang on Patriot! There may be turbulence ahead.
    Prayers xx

  5. Yes, forms and bureaucracy is the worst! I would have loved to have found a job I really loved. I'm retired now and that's just fine with me!

  6. Bad bosses can ruin a job. I have had some, but fortunately I have had some great ones too! Loved your answers! Have a nice week!


  7. Boo on piggy people, long forms, and bad bosses!

  8. Interesting questions...
    I've had a very few good bosses , but they made work enjoyable , though not good pay...sigh .
    Current job is good because of the clients , but frustrating because the bosses don't see the diminishing quality of the incoming workforce and refuse to hear how to fix that !!!
    Oh , for the huge PCH windfall and retirement (possible no other foreseeable way...sigh...)


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