z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday....
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, February 6, 2021


Hey friends.. another week has begun. Colder weather and snow are in the forecast for us here on the very edge of the United States. What is it like where you are? 

Let's do some Sunday Stealing, okay? Miscellaneous Questions...

1.Can you eat with chopsticks?
Never tried. My kids can...  but really I don't see a real purpose to t eating that way as it is primitive.

2.Could you tell real money from counterfeit?    Not unless it was an awful  bad counterfeiting job.

3.What do you think about school uniforms?    Probably a good idea over all.

4.What ancient civilization would you most like to visit? None of them. I have studied them all and from ancient Egypt to modern day, all empires and "civilizations" are criminal enterprises.. Yes.. all of them and all means all my friends. If anyone is curious about this, I will gladly do a post on it.

5.What would make a great new Crayola color?    Blonde ... several shades from strawberry to ash.

6.If an art project is created with the intent of getting rich and famous, does that cast doubt over its significance as a work of art?
Of course not!!  . Every job is done for the purpose of being paid for it. "You shall not muzzle the ox that treads the corn" friends.     Now if the art is poor or ridiculous, thats your personal opinion and it may or may not be shared by others. People like all manner of things.  I doubt that Michelangelo produced art so he could be poverty stricken and totally unknown!!

7.What do you get in trouble for the most? Now or as a kid?  I suppose it was always talking too much. 

8. Do you blow your nose in public? I try not to. If I have no choice I try to be very discrete. Its best to leave the room though.

9.If all the nations in the world are in debt, where did all the money go? Into politicians pockets. Its all about  money laundering.. thats what foreign aid actually is : money laundering and why no one gets any help from the hand outs. After pouring trillions into India and Africa they are still suffering.. why? It was a scam for the Banksters and nations to make money off their suffering and launder their corrupt money.

 We base our economies on nothing. Only hard currency works.  A switch to a digital economy(like bit coin) will be terrible and you will see big brother in spades with social credit scores that will own you.  Resist! 

10.Is it as easy to make you happy now as it was when you were a child? Yes pretty much.

11.Who knows more...you, or your parents?  Me.. my parents passed away. Of course they knew more while alive and even if I could bring them back, they know things of the past better than I would and would have more experience. 

12.What instrument would you like to be famous for playing?    My piano

13.Would you have sex with a stranger for one million dollars?   That is none of your business .. now go to your room. 

14.Are you completely in control of your body?       No. No one is.

15.What is the coolest web site you know of?   Duh.. my blog!! Sheesh, you have to ask?

Tuesday 4 is up... I hope you will join in with us. This week is about Valentine's Day.


  1. I think these questions were a bit impertinent, but you handled them well! And I think you should be paid for your artwork! You are an amazing artist! And I would love to listen to you play the piano, but I especially enjoy watching someone play who is really "into it" with feeling and emotion. I never learned to play, and I have often wished that I could, but I was not willing to sit down long enough to take lessons and learn, so that is my own fault. The only instrument I play is singing, and that is fading with age, although I try to keep it "in tune' as much as possible. Have a blessed and beautiful Sunday.

  2. Blonde crayola crayons - would have been good for me as a kid because I had blonde hair (sadly it's grown a lot darker as I've aged).




  3. #13 and #15...LOL !
    Interesting questions and terrific answers !
    I think artwork is effective when it evokes an emotional response or connection of some kind . Your artwork os VERY effective , and I sincerely wish you were bountifully compensated monetarily for it !!!
    Cold and rain here...supposed to turn to snow later...Brrrrrr...
    Stay safe and warm , my friend !

  4. HA, Youuuuuuuuuuuu talk to much? Why, never (grin). Have a great day friend...p.s. my reports cards always stated, "Linda is too hard headed and stubborn, you really ought to do something about this or she will never make it in life." Says who? LOLOLOL

  5. #9 - Yep. Spot on. It's all corruption and that's why our Founding Fathers warned us about this very thing only more elegantly.
    I think your art is beautiful. My husband is a great artist too, or, he was before arthritis got in his hands so badly. His pictures look like what they're supposed to look like (life-like). I wish I could draw. I have to use stencils.
    Have a blessed Sunday.

  6. I enjoyed all of your answers today.
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  7. I would love to be able to play piano. Loved your answers. Have a nice day!


  8. Interesting questions (and answers!) I dearly would love to be able to play the mountain dulcimer very well. It's sound and origins appeal to me. Piano and violin would be my next two choices.


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