z Cottage by the Sea : Ask Anything....
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Ask Anything....

Ive been so behind in these lately. But here is the latest Sunday Stealing!

1 Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed?    Either way. Doesn't matter to me. I do sleep with my bedroom door closed though and I keep a fan on all year round.

2 Do You Have Freckles?  No I don't.

3 Can You Whistle?  I can, yes and pretty loud too.

4 Last Song You Listened To.   Mahler's 5th Symphony early Saturday morning. you can hear it HERE.  It is magnificent.

5 Name Something That Relaxes You.  Good music, the beach, the forest scents of cedar and pine.

6 What Sounds Are Your Favourite?  Wind, rain, dogs barking in the distance, sounds of Barn owls in the woods.

7 What Do You Wear To Bed? usually a tank or tee shirt and what they call tap pants or short shorts.

8 Do You Sing In The Shower? No. I sing in the kitchen.

9 What Books Are You Reading? None at the moment. I am too busy right now.

10 Do You Believe In Magic?  The Rambam (Maimonides) says magic is real therefore we don't do it. The Ramban(Moses ben Nahman) says no its not real and that is why we dont believe in it.  Both are right. It is not real because it is not from God and only God can produce miracles.. but it is real and is from dark realms of evil. Therefore on both counts we stay away from it.

11 Can You Curl Your Tongue? Yes I can do that.

12 Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? I have had them land on me.

13 Name One Movie That Made You Cry. Mr. Kruegers Christmas when he says his prayer.

14 Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? Sunflower seeds

15 Are You A Heavy Sleeper?  I can be sometimes.

Tomorrow I will have the new Tuesday 4 up, God willing and the creek don't rise. The link for it is in the side bar to the right.


  1. I like your answers.
    Have a great Sunday and have a Happy St. Patrick's Day.


  2. Bizarrely I love to be in the wind and I find that relaxing (as long as there is no rain). I find it exhilarating. I draw the line at hurricanes and typhoons though.




  3. I love the sound of the beach too. It is so relaxing. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  4. I enjoyed your answers. I'm re-reading "Eleanor of Aquitaine" by Alison Weir. It's the historical documents concerning her reign. First she was as Queen of France with King Louis VII (1120-1180 AD). They divorced. Then she was Queen of England while married to King Henry II (1133-1189 AD). It's fascinating. And I'm thumbing through a new book "Kings & Queens Of England: A Dark History" by Brenda Ralph Lewis. I'll give it more attention later.
    By the way, I've been banned again by the FB Brown Shirts. I think it's for 30 days. Their evil actions are heaping coals of fires on their heads. xx

    1. FB is evil. Sorry about the jail sentence. I will bake a cake with a file in it for you.

  5. A symphony early morning? Sounds unusual but must have been relaxing...

  6. I have a fan on year round as well... it drives the hubs batty, oh well...lol Happy Sunday!

  7. The Ocean is a wonderful place. When the pandemic is over, I'll be down there a lot.
    Interesting thing about what we call magic, and evil. Jesus was called a sorcerer by some because he could walk through doors. That there's some other reality never occurred to the temple louts.

  8. I enjoyed reading your answers! My favorite relaxing sounds are rain and ocean waves. I also love to listen to the distant sound of a train whistle, especially during the night.

  9. Hello, Annie, great to see that you're still blogging. I've been away from the scene for a long time! I love sunflower seeds, too. And, I have had a butterfly land on me, as well. I love them, but the sensation is a little startling (they seem to have very pointy, sharp toes!) :)

    There doesn't seem to be an option for me to leave my blog link, only my gmail (which I rarely use).

    Hope you're doing well. ((hugs))

    Wynne at Wynne's Warbles: http://www.momentsoftranquility.ca/wynneswarbles/

  10. Look up the makeup brand "freck". I just bought some. It creates fake freckles LOL!! Because I have some freckles scattered all over but I want clusters on my face. Like in the nose and cheek area. It's so cute!


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