z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Stealing.. Cooking
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday Stealing.. Cooking

Hey everyone! I'm doing Sunday Stealing by our host Bev Sykes of Funny the World.
1.  How often do you make food and eat it?
Usually 2 times a day everyday.
2.  Do you consider toasting bread, preparing instant noodles, or boiling an egg to be cooking? Why or why not?  Sure it is. Any type of food preparation is cooking. Maybe its not intricate but it is technically cooking.
3.  What’s your favorite dish to make?
   There are a few that are equally favs.. Baked Ziti,Roast Beef, Casseroles.. all favs
4.  Cooking or baking: what’s more fun? What’s more difficult?
 Baking can be more difficult but it is fun!
5.  Who did most of the cooking in your house when you were growing up?
     My mother and grandmother
6.  How have you learned the cooking skills that you have?
Home Ec classes from 7th -12th grade and watching my Mom and Grandmother
7.   Have you ever taken a cooking course? If so, what did you learn? If not, would you like to do one? What would you like to learn?
Yes. In school, again from 7th through senior year of high school I took cooking, sewing,etc.
8.   Have you tried cooking food from another culture? What did you prepare? How was it?
     Sure. I make Mexican food a lot and was taught by my Mexican neighbor years ago.
I also make Chinese egg rolls from scratch.  Everyone seems to love it.
9.   Is it cost-effective to do your own cooking? Can you save money by cooking?
Yes. Its too expensive to eat out. It pays to cook some things from scratch especially health wise if you use non GMO and organic ingredients.
10.  Would you rather do the cooking or do the washing up afterwards?
The cooking. Not fond of the washing up.
11.  Do you use recipes to cook? If so, where do you get the best recipes? Do you get them from friends, family, online, or from cookbooks?
Sometimes I use recipes from books.relatives or cookbooks. Cookbooks usually are best for recipes I think.
12.  Have you ever tried to prepare some food and just totally ruined it? What happened?
     Yes. I have left things on the stove and walked away and forgotten it... it burnt to a crisp.
13. Do you prefer cooking at home or eating out at a restaurant? Why?
Eating out because I so rarely do it and it is a treat to have someone else cook and to be out with people.
14. Is cooking a social activity for you? Do you like to do it with other people, or do your prefer to do it alone?
I cook alone and God help you if you come into my kitchen....Most often used phrase in my house: "Get out of the kitchen when I am cooking".    If you think thats tough, its because of my disability. For years I could not risk bumping into people and it used to take a wide berth for me to turn, etc. People just got in my way.  Either I am cooking or you are.. so go some where and park yourself. You can sit at the table while I cook but keep your body out of my space  😉😜
15. Do you have a lot of cooking equipment? How often do you use it all? Do you have any pieces of equipment that you rarely ever use?
I have the basics which are all you need.


  1. My mom has a really small kitchen and always wants help. I try to stay out of the kitchen because there is no room. It drives me crazy. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  2. I used to have some 100 cookbooks that I used all the time until I discovered Google. Now I get most of my recipes from Google, which is great for finding a recipe when I give it the ingredients I have.

  3. Since eating is my favorite past time, I'm glad there are folks like you and my husband who enjoy it and are better at it. I'm a good cleaner upper. *lol*
    Hope your day is blessed. xx

  4. Good answers. I bet you are an excellent cook. I prefer to cook alone but don't mind help cleaning up, and also if we are having company or family, I appreciate help with putting together salads or popping the rolls in and out of the oven, or even setting the table and then getting everything on the table when we are ready to eat. We are not formal here and I never turn away help. However, I do have chairs available for friends to sit and visit while I cook. I like having them come into the kitchen with me to visit and if they offer, I may give them something to do. Thankfully I have a fairly large open kitchen so there is room for them to visit. I just wish all of us "girls" here in blogland could do just that...visit! Someday maybe! Have a blessed and wonderful week.

  5. I have never liked to cook. I wish I did, it would make things much easier since you have to do it.

  6. I prefer to be in the kitchen by myself...however, if I had a fancy schmatzy kitchen with a bar and seating, that would be different, but alias, I have a small country kitchen. ANYWAYS, love your post, smiles.

  7. I am the last of a long line of women who enjoyed cooking and entertaining . Like my mother and her mother , we delighted in planning and preparing feasts for all...those women and those days are gone now , but the appreciation for well prepared , seasoned and presented food remains .
    Be safe and well , my friend


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