z Cottage by the Sea : Bunny Trails.. Sat 9
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Bunny Trails.. Sat 9

Saturday 9: Here Comes Peter Cottontail (from the archives)
Join in here.

1) Which do you prefer: colored hard-boiled eggs, chocolate marshmallow eggs, or plastic eggs with coins inside?  Marshmallow eggs sound pretty good.

2) What's your favorite color of Peeps (yellow, purple, or pink)? Pink

3) All this talk of sweets is making Sam hungry. What's for lunch? Tuna and Pasta salad

4) This song was introduced by country singer Gene Autry and it's still a favorite. Please share some of the lyrics. (And you're on your own; Sam didn't include a link to the song this week.)  "Here comes Peter Cottontail, hoppin' down the bunny trail. Hippity Hoppy Easter's on its way. Bringin' every girl and boy
Baskets full of Easter joy

Things to make your Easter bright and gay"

5) Gene Autry was so popular that a town in Oklahoma named itself for him. Have you ever been to Oklahoma?  No, never been to Oklahoma

6) He and his horse Champion also had a TV show. Can you name another famous horse?
Secretariat, Sea Bisquit, Man of War    Also the Lone Ranger's horse Silver and his nephews horse was named Victor, Tonto's horse was Scout.   Roy Rogers horse was Trigger.
But for me the most famous is my own beautiful boy Petra Khan or Pete, a thorughbred Arabian who I miss very much.

7) Gene Autry also recorded "Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer," and it was, of course, wildly popular, too. Who is your favorite recording artist?
I don't really have one. I have songs by many singers that I like.

8) In 1950, the year Autry recorded this song, Diner's Club issued the first credit card. Think of the last thing you purchased. Did you use cash, a credit card, a debit card, an e-wallet service (Visa Checkout, Paypal, Google Pay, Apple Pay ...) or a check?
I used my visa debit to buy groceries.
9) Easter is recognized as the start of the spring season. What are you looking forward to this spring?
I would just like to be happy for a while. 


  1. Wow, you really remembered a lot of famous horses! I remember most of those too, since you jogged my memory! I loved watching those old shows growing up. Happy days... I am not a big fan of eating peeps, but they are fun to have in the Easter baskets...so I bought one of each color for the kids' baskets...Kids, who are all in their 40's, still get baskets... I think we crossed over the line from Kansas to Oklahoma once when we lived in Kansas briefly...Hubby was invited to speak at a church near there. Wouldn't want to live out there again. Have a blessed and beautiful Easter. I pray you will be happy, not just for a while, but for a LONG while. (((hugs)))

  2. Oklahoma is a nice State, ultra Conservative, it's just very flat. I liked it there. Texas is my favorite State after where I live, Georgia. There's a joke Texican's like it make and it's that Oklahoma is their northern most county. That one makes me giggle every time.
    I write checks and/or use cash for almost everything except for on-line purchases. Keeps me outta trouble that way.
    Sending prayers for a happier day for you. Wish I could help. xx

  3. Praying you have lots of happier days.
    I enjoyed your answers.
    Have a great Saturday!


  4. I had Tuna and Pasta salad earlier in the week before I went grocery shopping for the week.

  5. Gosh, I can so relate to your last thought, sigh...wishing you a Happy Easter and sending you lots of hugs.

  6. I think we all just want to be happy. I hope you ge5 to feel that way.

  7. The sun alone makes me very happy. I am glad it is starting to warm up. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend and Happy Easter.


  8. Being happy. It has been a while. My wife moved out (shocked me) a week before the pandemic. I need help to get through it, so I saw a shrink. It wasn't the end of the marriage, it was being totally alone during the last year. Man, did those meds help...

  9. I hope you get your wish about being happy.

  10. A friend cautioned not to eat too many jelly beans at Easter , but it's the Peeps that get me into trouble
    ( yellow , thank you )! As to being happy , may all the kindnesses you have done for others be returned to you a hundred-fold...wrapped in happy days from now on !
    Thank you , my friend !


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