z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Stealing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Sunday Stealing

T oday I am joining in for Sunday Stealing! Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

German Black Forest Cake
1. What’s your favorite kind of cake?   German Black Forest Cake
2. What’s your favorite cocktail?
Old Fashioned
3. If you are alone for the evening, what do you fix yourself for dinner?
I am always alone for dinner, so it varies.
4. What make was your first car?
I never owned a car of my own. I drove cars owned by the family, boyfriends or husbands.
5. What is your height?    I am almost 5'6" tall.
6. What was your least favorite toy as a child?
I did not have many toys and I liked all the ones I did have.
7. What’s your favorite cartoon character?
I like Looney Tunes.. Bugs Bunny
8. What’s your dream car?  I suppose a mustang or a ford F150 truck
9. What’s your favorite pizza topping? Mushrooms and some cheddar cheese
10. What’s your favorite sports team? The All Blacks rugby team
11. What’s your favorite TV show? It depends on the year.Sometimes nothing, sometimes I will just like a show that is on but I am not a huge fan so I can't really say.
12. What is your favorite ice cream? Vanilla
13. What is your favorite song? There are too many to list in too many styles.
14. What’s your least favorite chore? Folding laundry
15. What was your first job? A cashier in a variety store.

Tuesday 4 will be up soon.


  1. I can't imagine not ever owning my own set 'o wheels. My first one at age 16 was a junker: a 1968 Renault. It was red which was very fitting for a hemorrhoid. *wink* Think, French piece of junk. After (literally) pushing it around my hometown for a few weeks, I traded it for a 1966 Volkswagen Bug. I kept that one for quite awhile. It was reliable and so easy to work on. I was even able to load two sets of SCUBA tanks with all the accessories in it for all our diving expeditions. I must have looked a sight bouncing down those country roads with my 70s rock blaring out the windows!
    Happy Resurrection Sunday! He is risen and coming back again! xx

  2. We have the same favorite cartoon character.
    Have a wonderful Easter!


  3. grin...I love folding laundry. I would love to work in a store like that...not my current employer, a small country store. I have always wanted to own a place like that, grin. Have a beautiful day my friend. smiles

  4. I like vanilla ice cream too. Loved your answers! Have a nice day and Happy Easter!


  5. luckily I like folding clean laundry. Making order from a mess feels good. Fun choices.

  6. My favorite cake is the 1800's recipe for Wellesley Fudge Cake , from the Wellesley Inn , Massachusetts .
    It is decadent , deep , dark chocolately wonderfulness...perfect for a birthday ...yummmmm!
    Thank you for sharing so many interesting things !
    Have a lovely day

    1. Not 1800s but, more modern and from a cafe near Wellesley college. I discovered it in the1980s.

  7. I've never owned my own set of wheels either. I drove my parents' car before I got married. Hubby had a car when we got married that I really couldn't drive very well because it was stick shift and I am a lefty and found it very awkward, but somehow we survived with it until our first child came along, and then we traded it for a bigger car that I could drive, but still we just had one car. Even when we had two cars, I never considered one of them "mine". I used to enjoy folding diapers. I don't mind folding laundry...the key is don't let it pile up. I fold it as soon as it comes out of the dryer if I can. I enjoyed your answers. Hope you had a blessed Easter.

  8. The first car I bought for myself...I was in my 30’s, a divorced single mother. Before that, every car was either a hand me down from my parents or one that my ex and I bought but he treated as if he was allowing me to drive his car....


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