Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Good Old Summertime


Not much is left of summer..42 days left of summer! Autumn begins on September 22 at 3:22PM and ends on December 21 at 11AM in the morning.  

I found a lovely YouTube channel that plays vintage summer songs here and there are others for vintage autumn, winter, Christmas, whatever your interest is. Give them a listen , you won't be sorry. I usually play channels like this while I work or I play old time radio mysteries on Youtube. There is enough to keep you interested and entertained all day long.   I am in need of nostalgia even if it is before my time!

I love the old songs that I can remember from the radio sound system in my Dad's store or playing on the car radio when we went for Sunday drives out in the country. Most of the songs were oldies then! They were wonderful though and left you feeling good...happy.
So, since there is only a short time left  let's all make the most of what is left and live every single day to the full.  What do you think?


  1. Dearest Annie,
    thank you for your musical suggestion, I'm enjoying these vintage sounds and voices while working at home!
    Sending blessings of joy on the remainder of your week
    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

  2. I will have to check that out. I love some nostalgia, even if sometimes it makes me sad because I miss "the good old days" and our loved ones who have gone on before, but they are pleasant memories. As far as summer goes, I'll be happy to see it gone...I am so ready for fall, even though here in Florida we don't get a true fall like you do, but some cooler temps and lower humidity are always welcome!!! Any day now I'd be just quite thankful!!

  3. Thanks for the link. We listened to so much great music on our trip. Mostly oldies that we could sing too! Love your new banner! Looks like Fall!

  4. Another wonderful header !!!
    Interesting how long forgotten songs reawaken the lyrics after only a few minutes of listening !
    The times past seemed simpler , more honorable , more unified to good purpose .
    As to appreciating the time we have, here's another pertinent motto :
    " Each day is a gift...That's why it's called The Present " !!!
    Terrific post !

  5. What a great link! Summer's not my favorite time of year, but I love these old songs.
    Remembering how I used to make fun of my parent's music, dad would probably be rolling on the floor with tears in his eyes.


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