Monday, August 9, 2021

What Are You Doing Lately?

   Welcome. I am still not back to normal but, I am trying.. here are this week's questions. As always they are in memory of Toni Taddeo.

1. Reading anything good lately?  How about magazines? Do you buy any?

I am rereading some old books I always have enjoyed. I am thinking of rereading some of my Spenser for Hire novels. I used to subscribe to Victoria Magazine. I would love to get the New Yorker.

2. Do you belong to any clubs, societies, or do you meet with friends regularly to chat? Not anymore. I was Rainbow Girl (girls org through the Masons), I was a Girl Scout through high school and got my curved bar which is equivalent to Eagle Scout for boys. I still meet with one friend.. down from many who have dropped off the map lately, each week.

3. Where are you from originally and if you moved why did you move? I was born in New Jersey.. lived a long time in Utah, back in New Jersey.  I moved from north Jersey to south jersey to be at the beach forever.

4. Do you like a good Western Movie? Who was your favorite movie/TV Cowboy?

I love Westerns.  I like anything that is real. My favorite on TV was Cheyenne played by Clint Walker I

think but really I liked them all from  Bonanza to Alias Smith and Jones.



  1. You popped up in my head yesterday; a couple came in who I use to work with and they are heading to the Jersey Shore for a vacation. Smiles

  2. Hi Annie:
    I used to belong the Rainbow Girls when I was young.
    I like westerns too.
    Hope you get better soon!
    Thank you for today's questions.
    Have a good Tuesday.

  3. Thank you for the questions this week. I hope you will be fully back to "normal" very soon.

    I never even thought of Clint Walker. I like him too.

  4. Always enjoyed cowboy movies and programs , too !
    Precious are friendships , especially ones that last 34 years !
    Getting back to "normal" , especially a new normal , takes time...
    you are wrapped in the prayers of all those who love you !

  5. I enjoyed your answers. Lily Grace did the meme this week instead of me. Thank you for doing this when you can. It's fun to "chat together". Oh, I liked Clint Eastwood and Clint Walker and of course John Wayne... They just don't make good westerns anymore. I used to be a girl scout, but didn't make it quite as high as you did. I dropped out of it in high school because I just had too many other things going on. But I am thankful for the years I was in it. I learned a lot!! Hope you are feeling better and that your life is getting back to some kind of normal... Thank you again...

  6. I was just telling Schotzy about how my dad reverted back to watching westers when he had azheimer's. I was telling her how he watched Laramie, but he also watched Cheyenne. He LOVED westerns. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  7. Nice answers and of course Clint Walker was a great looking dude!

  8. That was quite an achievement in Girl Scouts. I was only in a few years and not sure why not longer. Do you have any pictures? I do of me in my uniform and I still have my sash. You are so blessed to live by the sea! John Wayne is buried in Corona Del Mar. Might have to check it out. The Orange County Airport is named after him. I hope you feel better each day!

  9. Enjoyed reading your answers and I'm glad you like Westerns. I was a girl scout years ago.


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