z Cottage by the Sea : She's Not There!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, October 9, 2021

She's Not There!

Welcome.. Time for Saturday 9.

 I really am going to try and blog more than I have and visit. I am so behind in visiting and i truly miss it. 
Saturday 9: She's Not There (1964)    Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is about a young man who is upset his friends didn't warn him against a girl who turned out to be untrue. Have you ever involved yourself in a friend's love life with advice about a relationship?   Yup. But, no more.  It isn't worth it really. Poeple really don't want it.

2) According to legend, this song was inspired by a girl who called off her wedding just weeks before the ceremony, humiliating her fiance and breaking his heart. Do you know anyone who was similarly left at the altar?
Yes. I should have done that myself!

3) The Zombies first played together as a bar band, popular at an English pub called The Blacksmiths Arms. What's the name of your favorite local restaurant or bar?

Johnny G's, a great Italian place near me.. but then there are Italian restaurants in NJ on every corner.   The bread is to die for. The food is amazingly good.

4) The Zombies broke up after a few years but put all acrimony behind them in 2019 when they reunited to perform at their induction into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. Have you ever been to Ohio?
 I went to university in Ohio.
5) While 1964 is remembered as the first year of the British Invasion, when rock bands from the UK dominated the airwaves, it was also the year Barbra Streisand became a major star, featured on the covers of both Time and Life. Are there any magazines in your home right now? If so, who is on the cover?

No one is on the cover. It is an autumn picture. Here is a sweet old cover from Coronet Magazine.

6) Also in 1964, actress Ena Hartman became one of the first African American actresses to have a speaking part on the country's top TV Western, Bonanza. Is your TV on right now, as you answer these 9 questions?
No, my TV is off for the night. I've been watching a 5 hour documentary on the history of the world.

7) The "It's a Small World" ride was introduced at the 1964 New York World's Fair. It's now at Disneyland, Disney World, Disneyland Paris and Disneyland Hong Kong. Have you ever taken one of these Small World rides?

No, I was at the world's fair though.I am not a fan of Disney.

8) General Douglas MacArthur's memoir was published shortly before his death in 1964. It became a best seller. Was the last book you finished fiction or non-fiction?

Fiction. I reread  44Charles Street by Danielle Steele. It is an unusual story and you might find it interesting.  A woman buys a home but must rent out rooms to keep it. It leads to adventure and crime.

9) Random question: You find yourself calling the local garage often to get updates on your car repair. Every time you call, the person who answers the phone is abrupt to the point of rude. Do you: (1) let the person know you'd appreciate a change in tone; (2) ignore it; (3) complain to the boss?

I would tell them to try being a bit nicer I think.  Rude telephone conversations lose business.




  1. I have that blinkie! That book looks interesting. Have a great weekend!

  2. I enjoyed your answers and I love Italian food. Hope you have a great weekend.

  3. Your blog is so adorable! Mine looks like it was thrown together by a committee compared to yours.*lol* Well done.
    I enjoyed your answers. Italian food is one of my fav's, but, truly, I just like food as one can tell by my waistline. *giggle*
    Blessings. xx

  4. #7 I also went to the World's Fair, it was an adventure for a 12 yo going through the "Big City"

    P.S, I am going steal your haunted barn photo for my Thanksgiving post.

    1. I am glad you like the painting. I do them myself ;)

    2. Is it okay for me to use it on my blog? I will give you credit with a link.

  5. I love your banner...so perfect! And I like your last answer. I would just speak up and tell the person to speak to me in a more respectful way. I'll look for that book. I haven't read one by that author in a long time! Happy weekend!

  6. I agree, Italian food is wonderful.

    I went to the Fair in 64 and again in 65.

  7. Good Morning !
    Sometimes your sound advice is the seed that needs a bit of time to grow and blossom into sanity ...don't stop !
    The '64 World's Fair??? We probably were in line together for Belgium's waffles ...SO good !!!
    Today is overcast , gray and threatening , but no rain seems forecast...time for tea !
    Have a splendid day , whatever it brings !

  8. P.S. -
    Love your header !!!
    Actually , love ALL your headers !

  9. A history of the world? That sounds very intriguing!

  10. What a neat magazine! I would love to try the NY Italian restaurants! I doubt I ever visit there though. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  11. You are so right about staying out of the “Unsolicited ” mode in friendships . Dear Abby at least has anonymity in her favor.
    Like you, I missed this meme and the friends I’ve found here, so much.
    Your blog is a beautiful one.

  12. I never went to the World's Fair, but I did go on the ride at Disney World, "It's a Small World"...that's really about the only thing I remember. We went when our kids were very very young, and even tho we lived in Florida for many years, we've only been there twice that I recall. I have no interest in ever going back. But the song from that ride still sticks in my head... I enjoyed your post and especially just seeing you back here again. I've been missing you!!! Take care my friend.


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