z Cottage by the Sea : Without You.. Saturday 9
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Without You.. Saturday 9

Welcome to another weekend! They are moving along so quickly it is hard to keep track of the days! 

I am joining in for Saturday 9.. How about you?

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

 Without You (1972)

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) Nilsson sings that he can't forget this evening. Did anything happen this evening (or last night, if you're answering during the day) that you expect you'll recall for a long time?
Nothing of note really. 

2) In the 1960s, he worked in a very "un-rock-star" job: computer programmer in a bank. Looking over your career, have you more often worked in or out of an office setting?   Outside of an office setting.

3) He fibbed to get the job, telling the bank he'd graduated from high school when in reality, he was a drop out. Have you ever fudged a fact on your resume?   No.  I never used a resume to get a job. I just showed up for an interview and got hired most of the time.

4) The bank found out the truth but was so pleased with Nilsson's personality and performance they kept him on. Tell us about a friend or loved one's misbehavior that you have overlooked.     No, those things are private and not for sharing with the public.

5) Before finding success as a singer, Nilsson was a songwriter. He composed "Cuddly Toy," recorded by the Monkees. Do you have a favorite Monkees song?    Daydream Believer! I also like I'm a Believer... oh heck I like them all.

6) In 1976 Nilsson married Una O'Keeffe. They met in a New York restaurant, where she was a waitress. He asked her about her accent -- she was from Dublin -- and a romance ensued. While the waitress and the rock star seemed like an unlikely couple, they remained together until his death in 1994 and had six children. Do you know how your parents (or grandparents) met? 
I have no idea how they met. I never heard them talk about it at all and I didn't ever ask.

7) Nilsson was a night owl and found he felt most creative late at night, right before he fell asleep. When are you at your best: morning, noon or night?
 It depends on what kind of thing. I am best at some things  early in the day and some later on.

8) In 1972, the year "Without You" was a hit, Alice Clark Browne made history as the first African American aerialist to perform with Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus. Did you ever attend the circus?   Yes, the Ringling circus at Madison Square Garden in New York City and another circus but I forget where it was.  I was also at Cirque du Soleil.

9) Random question -- Think about last week. Would you prefer this week to be more exciting, or more boring?   I am happy to be middle of the road. There is less drama that way and I do not like drama and I am not good with being bored either!


  1. Good Morning !
    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood !
    Another interesting post...thank you .
    Harry Nilssen is a wonderful artist...good song...the comment below that official version on youtube was from his youngest daughter...so dear and very touching .
    As to question #4 , I am appalled by today's trend , that folks feel not only entitled to ask the most intimate of questions of one , but demand that we answer ! Unspeakably rude !
    Wishing you a spectacular day...may it be all you hope it to be...full of lovely surprises !!!

  2. I saw Ringling Brothers several times at the Garden, I also saw the Big Apple Circus once. And I saw Cirque du Solelil in Orlando.

  3. I think as a kid we do not really think about how our parents met. I think I was in my 20's before I ever asked my Grandparents how they met. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  4. I enjoyed your answers and found it interesting that you worked more jobs outside of an office than inside. That would be lovely. I spent more time in an office than out, but I probably enjoyed the "outside" jobs more. I am not familiar with this music artist. I do remember going to the circus in Florida when they would come to Orlando. I believe I went with the Girl Scouts to see them (or maybe we were still Brownies...I can't remember). I love my parents' love story of how they met, and I have shared it before on my blog in the story about the cabin and other places. I wish I knew more about my grandparents, but never really thought about asking questions when they were still alive...and now I wish I had so much. But when we are young we aren't that concerned with the "old", and we miss out on so much. I hope you are having a good weekend. God bless you!

  5. I personally believe that a resume really isn't needed, just saying. Grinning.---I hope you have a beautiful Sunday.

  6. Reading everyone's answers reminds me how much I still enjoy the Monkees.

  7. We all seemed to love the Monkees.

    Most of my info on how my parents met, and my grandparents met, came from my mother, and her sisters, plus aunties and even uncles on both sides of the family. I'm also from a couple of generations away from most of the Sat8ers, from a time when women were almost homemakers exclusively, and who were in kaffeeklatsches and did a lot of gossiping.Lol


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