Monday, May 2, 2022

By the Beautiful Sea

It's already May and March is just starting.. heck where is January?  
Tuesday's weather

After Fukushima time did speed up and Japan moved over 4 feet. So time can speed up and nations do move around.  We are stuck with the consequences of it.
 Now for my contribution to Tuesday 4. I will enjoy this one as I live by the seashore.

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo';s Tuesday 4 where we give you 4 questions each week to stimulate thought and conversation on the net.    

This week it might be nice to talk about the seashore,  

1. If you lived by the sea would you like to own a boat and what would you name it?

I would name it the Lemon Lime Moon

2. Do you enjoy beach combing? What do you especially like to find...shells? sea glass? driftwood?

I like sea glass and driftwood best. I have tons of shells that I've made into wreaths, mirrors, and in display jars.

my shell collection

Long Beach Island 
3.  Do you have a favorite beach or seaside resort that you enjoy? Tell us a little about it please. If the beach isn't your thing what is and where do you like to go?

I like the beaches by my house and especially ones on Long Beach Island. They are clean, safe and have great surf.


4.  You are out and about at the seaside and you are so hungry. What foods are you going to try? What  about a tropical cocktail? Have one in mind?  

 If I am by the boardwalk... Italian sausage subs, fresh French fries with malt vinegar, Saw Mill pizza where slices are like 5 pieces in one, Kohrs custard. Yummy stuff on the boardwalk.  My dad liked to have chowder on the boardwalk , my mom loved fresh caught seafood there as well.   I live close to commercial fishermen and often get fish just caught, just cleaned. Boy does it taste way better than the junk from the grocer!!     I will have a pina colada or something like that I think!
On the Jersey shore

I hope you are enjoying these Tuesday 4 questions.  Let me know if you have ideas for them.


  1. I like all your wonderful answers and your photos too. Sounds like a perfect time to hang out at the beach with you. Have a wonderful new week and take care.

  2. I'd love to find some sea glass. l Maybe next time.

  3. Lovin' your food choices !!!
    Let's go !!!

  4. Love your answers and your boat name...and food options..yum.

  5. Kohrs custard sounds interesting. We had the best clam chowder when we were in Monterey Ca.


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