z Cottage by the Sea : A List... for Sunday Stealing.
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, June 5, 2022

A List... for Sunday Stealing.

onight it is 59F and very nice outside.  I am happy it isn't too warm yet.

Sunday Stealing is on the menu for today... It has become a tradition I think.

The best story your parents or grandparents tell about the good ole days.

There are many but one really good  great grandfather tale  was about driving a horse and buggy through the front door of a saloon and out the back and then coming through again.
Another was about  stealing a trolley car and driving it all over the place when my dad was a kid.

The best things in life are... Things that are good and right and uplifting.

Things that drive me batty  are usually associated with willful ignorance and stupidity. Also people who have definite opinions about things without studying both sides of the topic.

A place I'd like to live and why.  I would like to live where government cannot reach. Sadly such places seem not to exist.  But I do like Massachusetts.  I like Utah also.

The best thing I've ever found  Are good friends and family. 

The best thing that happened recently is...the university graduation of the famous anonymous kid.

I admire people who... are righteous and stick to their guns about it. They are anchored into goodness.

What makes me special  Just being part of the greatest part of creation: human kind. 

I am looking forward to...  As Werner Von Braun said, there would be enemies created , wars created, cold wars, epidemics, and the final creation would be an alien invasion and all of it fake in an effort to control the world. Well Werner, you were right. We are just awaiting their next piece of crap.

Things that scare me  the  evil psychopaths in charge of the world. They are on the right and the left  and always extreme in their views.  Whatever happened to good sense and middle of the road?

Complaints I have : the dumbing down of everything including education and morality. People who insist on driving on the left side of the road.

I could never live without...food, water , air and a good laugh.   

Things that make me laugh... I really enjoy cute little videos like Moonpie Starbox and sister, Buttercup.    You can find Moonpie on YouTube.


  1. I'll check out the Moonpie link! Sounds like something fun and uplifting! Enjoy your afternoon!

  2. Good sense and middle of the road? Gone, sadly. Sigh...have a beautiful day friend.

  3. I love a good laugh - the kind where you throw your head back and laugh until you have tears running down your face! It would be hard to live without laughter!

  4. A maternal Great Uncle was a doctor . When he moved his family into larger quarters , he moved my grandmother and grandfather in to it . She was to manage his office (still in that house ). The kitchen was also on the first floor and as mt grandmother was a stelar cook , wonderful scents would waft through the house . During Dr's break , somehow , there were fewer baked goods than had come out of the oven earlier ! The living room was on the second floor and there were many nights that friends and family would gather for food and music . Poppa played the piano (and had a wonderful Welsh singing voice) , Nana played the violin and their guests were musically talented , too...good times fondly remembered by them ! Dearly loved people , who are much missed .
    Grateful for dear friends who are chosen family !!!

  5. My grandmother, who grew up in Kansas, used to tell me stories of tornados and the after effects. Scared me to pieces as a child!


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