Saturday, July 23, 2022


Once more the weekend looms larger than life!
Saturday will be 94F and a bit uncomfortable

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Diamonds (2012)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune?   Hear it here.

1) In this song, Rihanna sings that when she looks at her lover, she sees the light in his eyes. The internet is filled with makeup tips for making your eyes look brighter. Drugstores sell eye drops that promise to get the red out. Are you bright-eyed this morning?
Yes.  I use eye drops to keep my eyes moist: Systane.

2) She likens him to a shooting star. Astronomers tell us that shooting stars aren't that rare at all. They occur when dust, asteroids or comets enter the earth's atmosphere, and are often visible on clear, pollution-free nights. Have you ever seen a shooting star?
Yes, lots of them in the night sky. 
3) In ancient Rome, shooting stars were considered good luck, especially for those going into battle, while some tribes in East
Africa believed shooting stars were a harbinger of doom. Are you superstitious?
Not too much no.

4) The singer of "Diamonds" hosted a lavish Diamond Ball to raise funds for education programs in Malawi, Senegal, and the country of her birth, Barbados. Rhianna named her charity initiative the Clara Lionel Foundation after her grandparents. If you were to name your foundation after your grandparents, what would it be called? What would you ideally like to do in their honor?
 I will call it Grandparents Society. Maybe I will plant  trees for them.
5) Rhianna recently had her first baby, a boy. According to the Social Security Administration, the top names for baby boys in 2021 were Liam and Noah. Is there a Liam or Noah in your life?
A good blogger friend's son is Liam and he was a very special boy I was privileged to know.
6) When she was still in her teens, Rhianna entered a beauty pageant on a dare, and won! Can you recall a time you acted on a dare?
I don't recall sorry but I know I have done things but probably nothing important or serious.

7) While on tour, she likes to sneak out into the audience, just to get the vibe from out there. To disguise herself, Rhianna slips on a

black oversized hoodie. Are hoodies a staple of your wardrobe?
Yes, I have a lot of them with  university names on them.
8) In 2012, the year this song topped the charts, London hosted the Olympic Games. If you won a trip to London, what would you like to see?
 London cleaned up and back to what it once was.

9) Random question: Did either or both your parents go to college?
My father went. My mother graduated from a hospital nursing school.


  1. Good Morning !
    Happy Saturday !
    It's 86 degrees already and due to climb to the high 90s today !
    As to question #4 , I'd like to form a foundation to carry on the kindnesses of my mother's people - to quietly help , clothe and feed those in need .
    Wishing you cool comfort and joy !

  2. I was not aware London was dirtier than any other city. Planting trees is a great way to honor someone.

    1. No, I was referring to the wave of modern architecture replacing some of the lovely old buildings. Prince Charles has complained about it for years now as have many of my friends who live there.

  3. Planting trees is wonderful. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  4. When my kids had a band, they sang a song called "Don't go to London; it's under construction." What part of London do you want cleaned up and back to what era?

    1. There is a new wave of architecture that is far too modern for that great city. Several of my friends complained about it and I know Prince Charles has as well.

  5. Wonderful answers. yes, I thought of our friend Linda's Liam as well. And I have grandson Noah. And I love planting trees and flowers in memory of loved ones. That is a lasting tribute to their lives. We planted quite a few at our last house in memory of our son and my father and my father in law. Now we aren't there to watch them grow, but hopefully they are still growing and adding to the beauty of the environment there.


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