Friday, July 22, 2022

Friday's Photos

Hot days

Photo Fridays has become a tradition with many bloggers.   It was nice when it was hosted but this works too I think.  
 I am linking up with   Skywatch Friday.
Our weather has been very warm and in the 90s which is rare for us here. We are usually in the 80s in July and have days in the 90's just every
now and again.  New Jersey has a very moderate climate really.   So many are having very hot weather.

Here are my photos for this week.. just a mishmash of different things around me.

 I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. —Frank Lloyd Wright

Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.
—Henry David Thoreau
Leave the road, take the trails. —Pythagoras

There’s a whole world out there, right outside your window. You’d be a fool to miss it. —Charlotte Eriksson


  1. I love your photos today, and especially the quotations beneath them. You are very good at finding good quotes! I appreciate them because they widen our knowledge of different authors/poets, etc. Thank you! And I am happy that many of us do share our photos of the week on Fridays. I am a bit behind in mine today, and feel like I need to go find something else to take a picture of before I post just wait and see what I come up with later! LOL. Have a blessed and "warm" day! I hope it cools down for you soon. Autumn will be here before we know it.

  2. Your photos are amazing and I'll write your quotes in my journal today! Take the trails...I like that one!

  3. We've been mostly 80's with a fair number of 90's sprinkled in... totally normal July weather for us. What I've really enjoyed are the overnight lows (low to mid-60's). But I know the hottest weather is yet to come for us. Stay cool!

  4. Love all your beautiful pictures. It’s pretty hot here in Ohio too!

  5. Beautiful header !
    Beautiful photos !
    Perfect quotes !
    Thank you for your many gifts !!!


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