Sunday, July 24, 2022

Hodgepodge Stuff

Sundays seems to be for stealing lately.
Here by the Mid Atlantic seashore we are still having bit of a heatwave, though I can recall far worse and I don't think this is all that bad.   Temperatures are in the 90's but we had very low temperatures up until now.

1. What's something you've recently accomplished solo?
Not much.  I am studying like crazy if that's considered something accomplished.

2.  What's one product you use that never ever fails?
Olive oil

3. Have you found your place in the world?    Where is it? 
What does this even mean?    I know it never meant an actual place but  instead meant where you fit in.    This is something I have no clue how to answer in any way, shape or form.   

4.  Worst movie you ever saw?    
There are so many!  Plan 9 from Outer Space was bad.  As I say there are too many to name.
Many old drive in B movies are not that good but they can be entertaining.  I think the worst movies are the ones that are just boring and a waste of time. 
5. What's the last fun thing you did?
Listening to Legends of the Old West podcasts on Billy the kid while playing a little game on my computer.

6. What's your favorite Italian dish?
This is very difficult to say. I just like so much.   I suppose I have to say spaghetti and meat sauce with all the fixin's.    A good sauce is just perfect on some spaghetti.  My mother made my favorite sauce.   It would cook all day long and in the end it was sensational.   

7. Have you ever been to France? Any desire to visit there, and if so what would site or city would you most want to see?
No, I have never been to France.
I have no real desire to go anywhere outside these United States.   Like my great grandmother used to say, 'if it was so great there we wouldn't have left"/

8. Have you ever been to Disney, any of the parks at all? Are you a Disney super fan or something less than that? They're open right now so tell us, would you go if you had the time/money/a free trip?
Not  a fan since they left Mr. Disney's legacy in the dirt.  I don't think there is much I want to see so, no, I would not go.

9. Your favorite place to go when you want to be quiet as a church mouse? Would those who know you well describe you as more church mouse or perhaps more like mighty mouse?
I stay home and there I can be very quiet on my own.    I am a combo of both mice in various situations.

10. Do you bake your own bread?    Last time you had hot out-of-the-oven homemade bread?   What's your favorite kind of bread?
Had homemade bread a few days ago made by the Little.   Yes, I used to often bake bread.    My favorite breads are challah and sour dough with Italian/French bringing up the rear.

11. What's something you might say is 'the greatest thing since sliced bread'?
My simple old fashioned can opener.   I say how much I am grateful for it each time I use it.   I had a fancy one that took Herculean strength to turn. So, I bought a simple red handle can opener which is a dream to use.  I really am thankful for it.

12.  Share with us five little things you're grateful for today. Small blessings. One catch-they all must start with the letter T.
  • The can opener I just bought. 
  • The sea
  • The love of God and family
  • Time
  • Taco salad

13. Tell us where you were and something about what life was like when you were 20- 21.  
 I Lived at Princeton and in Piscataway and had two lovely  little apartments.   Life was very nice with a lot of camping, fishing, outdoors, children and family life.

14. What's on the menu at your house this week?
Tonight will be hamburgers with homemade  chunky ketchup, string beans and cauliflower.

Rest of the week will include a fish dinner, fried chicken, baked chicken , roast beef and a spaghetti dinner.

15.Something you recently purchased where a coupon was involved?    Do you regularly shop with coupons?
I have not used a coupon for ages.  Now that prices are being artificially increased, I will have to start using them.


  1. Yummmmmmmmm on hamburgers....we had those the other night. Our local grocery store utilizes coupons or the "card" BOGO we saved $100 was nice. I hope you have a beautiful day friend.

  2. I wasn't sure spaghetti was a real Italian dish, but it was what I listed. Coupons have mostly gone digital now, I think.

  3. Your menu sounds good, especially to me today as I am on a liquid diet prepping for tomorrow's big "event". Eating some jello now. I use in store coupons at our grocery store. We earn points every time we shop there and that earns coupons towards selected items each week. Then some of the other stores have coupons in their advertising flyers that are worth using quite often as well. Also some online shopping utilizes coupons. I do like to try and get discounts whenever I can. Otherwise I often just won't buy it until I know it will come on sale again. I enjoyed all your answers. Always learn something when I visit you!

  4. I enjoyed your answers Annie! I agree about not wanting to leave the US. I love it here and there are so many places I've never seen yet. Hoping you have a great day!

  5. Beautiful header...I enjoy your artwork !!!
    So glad you are able to spend time with family !
    Yes , hot , buttered bread is impossible for me to resist !
    the last time I had it was with dinner out with a friend ooooooo, yum !!!
    Have a splendid day !

  6. I'm always easily influenced and now for some strange reason I am crazing Taco Salad! heehee! Enjoy your week!


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