Sunday, July 17, 2022


unday is usually a lazy day for me.   I am not sure why either but it happens.
We are having rainy weather lately.  There was a little rain on Saturday with wonderful thunder. We are due for  thunderstorms today as well.    It is a good thing I like thunderstorms.  Well, what I like is being safe inside during them.

I think I will do the Sunday Stealing as it has become a bit of a tradition for me.  If you haven't tried, visit  Bev and give it a try.

Today the questions are stolen from  SwapBot

To which countries have you been?  Just  North America.. US and Canada.


  Which countries would you love to visit one day?  Well, I don't think I really care to visit anywhere anymore.  Traveling has become difficult for me since I am disabled.    I can't be bothered with the airport hassle. Its too ridiculous.   I still have much to see in this country first as well and it interests me far more.

    Have been on a trip this year or have one planned for later?
    No and nothing is planned either.     

    What kinds of transport do you prefer to travel by? (train, car, plane,...)
        I've traveled by all three.  I went by train for a long time and when I was in university I traveled by small plane to and from with student pilots.  That was enough.   While I am a super train lover.. a railfan extraordinaire.. long distance is nice but there are few decent connections.   So car it is. I like that you can stop when you want and take your own pace.
Electric cars will be a mess.  If the electric grid is overloaded now imagine that fiasco... rolling blackouts?   It will do the coal industry a great service as you need coal to create electricity..  The whole electric car thing is a  scam.

    Do you get yourself a souvenir to take home? If yes, what do you like to buy?
   I used to buy them but now I buy things I might need.  There are lovely linens in Niagara Falls and also on Prince Edward Island.  I also buy grocery items when I visit other states... things I can't usually get at home like Turkey Molasses, tomato jam and dried corn in Pennsylvania.

    Do you like to try local food? Can you recommend anything or advise not to try something?
   I have tried different foods in Canada and in various states.   Idaho has the hugest most tasty potatoes in the world some as big as footballs.   Iowa has great beef.       New Jersey has the best tomatoes, blueberries and cranberries. Our corn is good too!  Our Golden Guernsey milk is sensational.
beachy vacation

    Do you book your travel online or classical in a travel agency?
    Never done either.   

    Name three things that you can not go anywhere without and have in your suitcase.
Traveling in the states I like to have a pillow with me.  I carry as little as possible but 2 sets of shoes always.

    Tell about a funny travel experience you had.
Driving across the country was the best thing I ever did.   America is huge, beautiful and filled with all the best things I can think of. What a wonderful experience it was to travel where the pioneers did.    In New England I saw all the colonial sites and what a great treat that was.    I have been all over Philadelphia and saw all the famous places from the days of the Revolution.  Here in New Jersey I have seen the same inspirational things.    

    Tell about a bad travel experience your had.
    Well, I get air sick all the time.   I once also had a 20 hour wait in an airport that was just awful.  I hate airports and air travel.  

    What kind of accommodation do you usually stay in when you go on trips?
    I find the nicest hotels possible.   If I go to New York City I like to stay at the Plaza or another 5 star hotel. Anything less is roughing it I      think.   But since I live so close to NYC I can just go home at the end of the day.. same with Philly as I am the same distance from there      etc.     But I want a place that is clean, fresh and has great ratings.

    Have you ever traveled alone by yourself? Did you like it? If not, would you want to try it?

    Yes. I have traveled by air alone or with little children, never with another adult.   As I say, I hate air travel very much.  

    What is the first thing you do when you arrive at your destination?
    Unpack and get something good to eat.

    What kinds of activities do you like to do when you are traveling?
    It depends where I am and why I am there.   It will vary.  Museums and points of interest are what I will usually do.

    How do you like to spend your vacation? (on a cruise, backpacking, etc)
If I did go on vacations, which I don't, I would like to spend it at the beach. Since I live at the beach it's easy and cheap to do.

    Do you like to travel in your own country? If yes, can you recommend a place?
I have traveled all over the United States.  I recommend all of it.  It's the greatest place on earth as far as I am concerned.


  1. Traveling by train sounds wonderful. 😀

  2. I enjoyed reading this today. You've been a lot of wonderful places. I would love to do a road trip across the country, but I don't see that happening now, especially with the gas prices the way they are. I've never actually taken a real train trip...just a scenic railway for a couple of hours. I would have loved to have traveled by train in their heyday. We've done a lot of flying back and forth between Florida and New England and the midwest. It's the quickest was to get from here to there, and the safest as well. But I don't foresee any air trips in our future either. I think our major traveling days are done. Hubby doesn't really enjoy driving, especially in traffic, so unless we travel with our kids (son driving), I doubt we'll go anywhere ever again. That's sad to think of, but the hassle is too great anymore...sigh! The price of getting older I guess.

    1. Age and the government has made it hard to travel as well. They have made air travel a nightmare.

  3. Funny , I was asked recently where I'd like to visit . Cruise ? Europe ? Caribbean ?
    Nothing is calling me . In earlier times , travel was easier and more exciting . I'm happier to stay close to home now and spend time with dear friends !
    Be safe and well...

  4. I'd love to travel, but I HATE flying these days!

  5. I agree...our country is the greatest on earth and at this stage in my life I really have to desire to go anywhere else.

  6. I have traveked quite a bit, but lately I just like the idea of staying close to home. Hop you are having a nice Monday dear Annie. xp


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