Friday, September 9, 2022


Okay how does a week go by this fast and isn't it getting old in a hurry? It is for me.
weather pain

We had a little bit of rain and now hurricane Earl is hovering it's huge ugly behind off the coast with 45Ft waves at it's center and 7ft along our coast.... my body is screaming for relief from the low pressure.  Ouch and a half my friends. 
 Let's have some fun with   Saturday 9  from Sam Winters
You make your roots.. they just don't happen.  They take some efforts on your part. 

No Roots (2017)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune?    Hear it here.    If you are a fan of auto tune.. this is a song for you.    

1) This song is about a woman who has moved a lot and is always packing boxes. Do you have packing materials (boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, etc.) in your home right now? Do you have them on hand to ship things, or are you preparing for a move?
I have bubble wrap which I use to wrap delicate things. I bought a roll at Warmart.  I am not preparing to move or ship anything though.
2) She sings that she moves from place to place, collecting memories. Would you rather travel light and travel often, or put down roots?
Roots are very important and that is not really stressed anymore.  The world has become too mobile and it is not a good thing for many reason.
3) She can recall all the gates and house numbers of all the places she's lived. Does your current residence have a fence and gate? Did your previous one?
I have never had a fence and gate in the front yard but I would like to have it.

4) This week's artist, Alice Merton, moved often as a child as her father's job took the family from Germany to the US to Canada to England back to Germany ... She wrote this song to help her deal with feelings of loneliness and longing.   When you're feeling overwhelmed, how do you work through the feelings?
I ride them threw as if I were surfing.  Things ebb and flow.

5) Alice is still on the move. Soon she'll be performing throughout Europe. Have you ever had a job that required you to travel? If yes, did you enjoy it?
No and no I would not have enjoyed it.   I do not like airports. Trains I am in a life long love affair with but not airports which is despise with a passion.

6) "No Roots" is a favorite of Kelly Clarkson's, who has performed it on tour and on TV. When you think of Kelly, is at as a singer, a judge on The Voice, or as a talk show host?
 I guess a singer as  I haven't much info on her. I heard her sing once I think.

7) In 2017, when this song was popular, Faye Dunaway made Oscar history by announcing the wrong winner for the biggest award of the night, Best Picture. It wasn't her fault as she was given the wrong envelope, but she's one who made the on-screen flub seen around the world. Have you recently had an embarrassing moment?
No, not recently but things like that do not bother me. Things happen and my advice to people is "get over it".
8) Wonder Woman was 2017's most popular movie. She was originally introduced in a 1941 DC comic book. Comic books remain a big business. Have you ever been to a comic book store?
I have never been to a comic book store.   I bought them as a little girl ... Richie Rich, Archie, Little Audrey.. ones like that.  I was never interested in superman etc. 

9) Random question: Is your skin itchy this morning?
This is a strange question,  but no, it is not.   I wonder if yours is since you ask.

Well, there you have it.  I hope you have a good weekend.  Meanwhile, praying for our nation and the new King Charles.


  1. I completely agree with you on #2! I think that lack of roots has diminished the sense of family and made it easier for younger generations to just walk away from family.

  2. I hope your body feels better soon. That kind of pain is hard to tolerate.
    I agree with you on #2. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  3. I get headaches from low pressure; they are stubborn things that seem to want to hang around.

  4. I am sorry the weather is wreaking havoc on your body...I do understand and sometimes I forget that could be why I feel the way I do...and then a light bulb comes on and I realize what the problem is. Praying you will feel better soon. Re: Roots. I was blessed to grow up in a small town and go to the same school all 12 years. After I got married we moved frequently due the ministry/seminary/etc. It was very hard on our children as they really don't know where their hometown was...but if I had it to do over again, I'm not sure that I would change anything, because those experiences for our family shaped us into who we are today...we met a lot of wonderful people along the way and had many interesting experiences we would never have had if we had stayed in one place. God knew what was best for us, and I am thankful that He was the One leading us, even when we didn't fully understand it all at the time. It is different for everyone...what is best for one may not be best for another. And our family is very close.


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