z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Photos and Sky
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, November 4, 2022

Friday Photos and Sky

've  been busy lately with odds and ends.   I painted my TV table.  It was mahogany and the bottom half of a very big china cabinet from the early 1940's.   I gave away the top sadly to make more room in the house and I have painted the badly scuffed up mahogany with black chalk paint.  The final result is amazing and it has gotten many compliments.  Its very long and so holds a big TV very well.   
We have left summer behind for sure and temperatures are in the low 60's in daytime and 40's at night. Very crisp and refreshing really.  Saturday we expect a mostly sunny day in the 60's as well.  Tonight it is a lovely moonlit night.   How are things in your neck of the woods?   
   Friday has become the photo day for a lot of us.  I am joining in with Skywatch Friday as well.

Magic birds were dancing in the mystic marsh. The grass swayed with them, and the shallow waters, and the earth fluttered under them. The earth was dancing with the cranes, and the low sun, and the wind and sky.  —Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings  
Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.— George Eliot

“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out and meet it.” ― Jonathan Winters

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. —Aristotle


  1. Elegant and beautiful sceneries. Thank you for visiting my blog

  2. I love the quotes! They are some of my favs that I keep in my journal. It's beautiful here now too. Temps are still in the 80s for highs but lower humidity which makes all the difference. Enjoy your day! You photos are amazing!

  3. Your photos are always so gorgeous! I came here from Skywatch and didn't at first realize t was you.. You don't have that fabulous sunrise on here. You live in such an amazing locale, surrounded by beautiful nature. Our place is jsut trees and more trees. I love your variety!
    Have a wonderful weekend! ll Cya! Schotzy

  4. Lovely light on the marsh grass in the first photo!

  5. I'm catching up here in Blogland. I had a china cabinet of my mom's that I gave away the top of to make more room. Now I wish I still had it. Your Skywatch photos are so pretty. I forget to take photos of lovely things I see. Have a blessed weekend.

  6. Hi Annie~ Your photos are so beautiful, I just love seeing your neck of the woods! I think that painting and using old furniture is a perfect way to keep it and make it precious...I would be fun to see your finished product! I have two old dressers that I need to chalk paint and find a place for...you've given me inspiration! Have a great week-end! Hugs, Barb

  7. Wonderful photos of your beautiful surroundings...but I was hoping to see a before and after picture of your cabinet that you painted!! It sounds like a wonderful project...much like what we do here at Dixie Cottage...take tired, old vintage or mid-century pieces and give them a new lease on life! Thank you for your comment on my post earlier. I am taking a break from packing while I can. I have also done a floor like this before in our last house, with the help of a dear friend, but that was several years ago and my knees and arms and back could not manage it today. It's hard enough just packing all of this stuff up so they can move the furniture around. It's going to be quite an undertaking. But we will be thankful to have it done. Enjoy your weekend and your beautiful weather while you can!

  8. We have left summer behind also. Yesterday it was in the low 70s but today the wind was a shaking the colored leaves off the trees, it rained, power went out for about fifteen minutes at the neighborhood grocery store and then the sun came out. It is cooler today. Winter is around the corner bringing snow, ice and sleet. My favorite season is Fall. It has been a lovely autumn so far. It is November already. Your photographs are wonderful. I look forward to the quotes you post each week.


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