z Cottage by the Sea : Hodgepodge
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, November 20, 2022


unday Stealing once again. It's a habit I guess. Here we go.

'Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing.  Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!'

-What’s your favourite childhood memory?  Having the school condemned and placing police tape around the property and a chalk outline body on the front steps.

-Do you sing in the shower?  No. I am too busy washing.

-What is the best gift you’ve ever received?  A lovely painting by Leonid Afromov.  And a weekend in NYC at the Plaza to go to the Met to see La Boheme and to see Phantom of the Opera.  Very nice weekend with dinner at the Met, Delmonicos and the Russian Tea Room.   Try it, you' lll like it.

-Do you prefer being indoors or outdoors?  I like being outside when I am not in the house and I like being in the house when I am not outside.

-Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?  A wrong number who was q uite nice and wanted to order Chinese takeout.  I did explain that I was not Chinese but they insisted on ordering anyway, so I took the order and promised delivery sometimes next week.

-What do you keep in your bag or handbag?   Loads and loads of money

-Can you knit?  I can and also crochet.  Can you?

-How many hours do you sleep each night?  As many as I can get away with but I like to get about 9 hours.

-Who is your role model?  I do not use or employ models for roles or any other reason.

-Who was your first ever pen pal?  A girl in Germany.

-What has been your favourite job so far?   Knocking over  the Vatican Bank.

-What is your favourite go-to recipe for mid-week meals?   I do not "go-to" recipes, they come to me.

-How often do you eat in a restaurant?  Not often.

-Are you close to your family?  Some are close by others are not.

-Which phone app could you not live without?  I don't use the phone for anything except making and receiving calls.

-If you could afford to volunteer full time for a charity, which would it be?  Myself.   You can send donations to my website.

-Do you have any siblings?  I have not had any major diseases, no.

-Who is your favourite YouTuber?  I don't have that.  I did once have an innertube that was great for floating down the Delaware though.

-Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?  Why, yes, Yes I have.  I wore a green velvet dress and we carried yellow lilies which ended up at the foot of the Our Lady statue at the weddings end.  The reception was not memorable as I don't remember any of it. If you are going to make me wear a  green velvet dress and 3 inch high heels to match the least you can do is provide a proper meal and a good time after.. am I right? Sheesh.


  1. My husband is still asleep so I'm sitting here trying to quietly read and comment but I keep laughing out loud at your answers! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. I like it - your favourtie charity is yourself. I think deep down I think that too - I mean me - not you.




  3. ROLLING (((GRINNING)))--thanks Annie, I about spat out my coffee, lololol.

  4. Green Velvet .....I wore red at a friends wedding, had an appendicitis attack and had emergency surgery in the middle of the night. My high school friends dad was the anesthesiologist. He pulled hairpins out of my hair as my sister, a hairdresser, swept it up into a French bun! The nurse was removing red nail polish from my nails. . That marriage did not last, not my fault really, they were just too young. But red velvet and green velvet. The things people choose. Loved your story and answers here. Thank you and have a beautiful new week.


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