We are due for some rain/snow in the coming week and we will see what becomes of all that. Snow in December is kind of nice.
Just Because
"Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!"
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this week's song, Elvis complains that his girl has confused him with Santa Claus. This time of year, Santa is prominent. Did you more recently hear Santa referred to in a song, see him in a holiday decoration or ad, watch him in a film or TV show, or maybe even met him in person, ringing a bell or asking kids if they have been naughty or nice?
Santa was in my neighborhood last night on a fire truck music playing, horns blaring and 'ho ho hoing' his little heart out.
My town has the fire department and police take Santa around to every neighborhood before Christmas. Sometimes he gives out peppermint candy. I always run to the door to wave.
2) Finally Elvis just can't take it anymore and breaks up with her, just because. Is there anyone in your life who has a way of pressing your buttons and getting on your nerves?
Yes. Perhaps it was my mother, though rather than getting on my nerves I just shut her out of my thoughts.
3) "Just Because" is one of the last songs Elvis recorded at Sun Studio in Memphis. TripAdvisor recommends a Sun Studio tour as one of the top things to do in Memphis. Have you ever been to Memphis? If yes, what did you do?
Never been to Memphis, just to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg in Tennessee.
4) Elvis left Sun for RCA, a much bigger record label. As part of the deal, RCA negotiated for the rights to all his unreleased Sun songs. "Just Because" is one of them, and it was included on Elvis' first RCA album. Have you gotten a good deal on anything lately?
Some grocery items were on sale or should I say some were not artificially inflated like most things are now.
It is super important to boycott things with prices and/or demands that are outrageous until they stop them. If we behave like sheep to the slaughter, believe me, they will slaughter us. History shows this is the truth. Make them do YOUR will.. do not do theirs.
5) In 1956, when "Just Because" was released, non-stick cookware was first introduced. Do you have any Teflon in your kitchen right now?
Yes, I have one pan and don't like it much. I was just given a set of cast iron cookware I much prefer.
6) Elvis thought peacocks were beautiful and commissioned stained glass peacock panels for his living room. Do you have any stained glass in your home?
Yes in the form of glass hanging things in windows.
7) He tried to keep peacocks at Graceland. One of the birds saw its reflection in Elvis' gold Cadillac and started pecking, ruining the car's expensive paint job. Elvis donated the peacocks to the Memphis Zoo. Have you ever had a bird as a pet?
Growing up my family had canaries that sang their little hearts out.
8) Elvis decorated the long Graceland driveway for the holidays with blue lights. His father teased that with the airport nearby, pilots might confuse their driveway with a runway. What airport is nearest your home?
Our little municipal airport is very close. As for large airports I am equi-distant from Newark International Airport and Philadelphia International Airport. Kennedy and LaGuardia are also not really all that far away.
9) When Elvis was alive, he kept the holiday lights up until January 9, the day after his birthday. That tradition continues at Graceland today. Conventional etiquette tells us Christmas decorations should go up the day after Thanksgiving and come down before January 6 (the 12th day of Christmas). Do you think it's ever too early, or too late, for Christmas decorations?
I think people must do as they please with things like that.
January 7th is Orthodox Christian Christmas.. so there is that and I am sure Orthodox Christians keep them up longer.
The only holiday with hard limits for me is Chanukah. Chanukkiah (Ha..new.. Key..a) goes up on time, comes down on time. I don't like leaving the olive oil cups around to spill.
You know all my life we've had cats and dogs. This is the first time I have none and never did I have a problem with them and decorations or with kids either. If you teach animals and children they will not get into things they shouldn't. I am saddened to hear of people not putting up trees, etc. because of their pets. Teaching children and pets can save their life! The Chanukkiah is burning olive oil in cups.. the light is steady and clean but the fire is real. It is important to teach children how to light and how to be safe.
I will put up a post on Chanukah , its meaning and some surprises in the next week.

My only stained glass is window hangings too.
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful photo of the anonymous kid, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful day, friend.
ReplyDeleteThat's a happy photo of the young lady! And I love hearing the music of Christmas, especially Elvis. Enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful your fire department is still able to do that with Santa! Ours used to do that, but now they just cruise the main roads the weekend before Christmas. It's a huge township so they just can't possibly do every street in every neighborhood like they used to. The expense is probably a consideration too.
ReplyDeleteOur fire department is scheduled to come around this evening! I'm glad other places do that, too.
ReplyDelete#1 The same thing happened in my neighborhood, a fire truck decked out with Christmas lights with Christmas music playing. But all the “kids” now are off to college.
ReplyDelete#3 I visited Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg when I was little, we visited just about every Civil War and Revolutionary War battlefield when I was little.
#5 I like cast iron cookware, the heat is more even. No hot spots.
Santa riding around town on a firetruck seems like the most American Christmas thing ever.
ReplyDeleteWe get Santa in the neighborhoods riding in the back of a HUMVEE. Then again, I live on an Army post!
ReplyDeleteI am listening to Elvis singing "Just Because" for the first time in my life. I've never heard that song before that I can recall! Maybe because I was only 6 in 1956. LOL. And my mother wasn't a big Elvis fan because he swiveled his hips too much. LOL. My older sister loved him, however, and that became an issue between her and our mother. Times were different then. Parents tried to teach their kids about things that were important. Nowadays they just let the kids go along with the crowd. So sad. I haven't seen Santa yet this season, except for the fake /stuffed ones. Someone said my hubby should get a Santa suit and stand outside our Dixie Cottage and wave at people to attract some customers. That's better than the other suggestion of me dancing and holding a big sign. LOL. I love seeing the picture of "the famous anonymous". Thank you for sharing all of the above. Have a blessed Christmas and Chanukah season.
ReplyDeleteI flew into and out of Newark when we went to NY in 2008. Security took my mom aside because she had a metal hip. I insisted going with her because she had Alzheimer's. The one guard announced it loudly and I was not happy about that. Funny how one question can bring up a memory. I bought a small menorah today. Your granddaughter is so cute!