1. Last time you drove/flew 500 miles (ish)? What's a place you'd like to visit that lies approximately 500 miles from your current location?
I don't recall the last time but it's been quite a while.
I would like to drive to Frackville, Pennsylvania and I think I would like to go to Plimouth, Massachusetts around Thanksgiving time.
2. Tell us about a time recently it felt like you were 'racing against the clock'. The past few days I have been doing that. I had to have the man here to get rid of mice. I am starting to get the house ready for summer and I worked on my pond a bit.
3. Have you ever attended any really large sporting events? What was your impression of the experience?
The Super bowl, The Kentucky Derby, The World Series, FIFA World Cup, The Indianapolis 500, The Daytona 500, The Olympics, The Masters, Wimbledon, The Boston Marathon, March Madness, Tour de France, Monaco's Grand Prix, The Open (golf), The Ryder Cup, The Stanley Cup Finals..of the events listed which would you most like to attend in person? Or maybe one that's not listed?
Well, the only large one was a Globe Trotters at a high school but no I never did. Nothing of the kinds on this list.
4. Are you an iced tea drinker? If so, do you drink it year round, or only in the spring and summer months? Do you make your own or buy it bottled? Sweet or unsweet? Flavored? Lemon or no lemon? How about a Long Island Iced Tea? click for recipe on my Rock & Roll Café
Iced tea is nice when I am out and in the summer time. Unsweetened as I can't have sugar. I don't like bottled, its bitter and I like home made best. I like it with real sugar and lemon best but, now I just have to drink it plain. I had a Long Island Iced Tea once and it was meh.
5. April 20th is Volunteer Recognition Day...do you volunteer in some way? Tell us about it. If not, tell us about a volunteer you appreciate.
I volunteer to make dinner for friends and host certain group activities. I volunteered to play music for religious organizations.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Getting the house organized and clean little by little. Difficult and I can only do a bit each day, sometimes just one little thing but it's getting done. Exterminator did his job nicely. Mice were becoming a big problem since Garfield passed on.

I would also like to visit Plymouth sometime. I remember seeing the Globetrotters play once many years ago and it was quite fun. Enjoyed my visit to your beautiful and peaceful blog
ReplyDeleteI've never been to Plimouth either and would enjoy that. My last trip of over 500 miles was probably to Maine in 2018...1300. miles via plane. Longest most recent driving trip was to Charlotte, NC in 2019, about 447. miles, by car. Years ago we used to attend various Major League Baseball games whenever we were near...Boston Red Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Pittsburgh Pirates, Cleveland Indians, New York Yankees. Those were fun events when our boys were youngsters. We haven't been to one in many years now. Oh, we did attend a Portland Seadogs Minor League Baseball game with our son Matthew and wife Nicole and our grandson Noah quite a few years ago. (Portland Maine). That's probably the last game we attended. I love hearing that you sometimes volunteer to play music for religious services, etc. You have such a wonderful gift to be able to do that. I would love to hear you play some day! I enjoyed your post...and also I agree about iced tea...unsweet with lemon is best. I have been a bit behind in posting/reading this week. Sorry I never made it to the Tuesday meme. It's a lot different here with more people in the house! But happy times. Have a blessed rest of your week.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure I should drink my iced tea without sugar, but it's not nearly as good : ) Glad you joined the Hodgepodge this week!
ReplyDeleteWhen we were in the NE States, we went to Plimouth and I loved it. IT was interesting that there are two ways of spelling it. Plimouth and Plymouth are both correct.