z Cottage by the Sea : Book of Questions?
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Book of Questions?

Time once again for Sunday Stealing and stolen from The Book of Questions 

  1. When you tell a story, do you often exaggerate?  I get to the point.  I really don't like long winded stories and embellishments from others and I can't be bothered with them myself.

2. If a friend were almost always late, would you resent it or simply allow for it?
  There is usually a reason why people are late.  In my case it is my disability which can make it hard to get ready. Sometimes, no matter how early I start, my spine hurts so badly I have to sit down and wait for it to stop.

3. Can you be counted on to be on time?  No. Disability makes me highly unreliable. But before that, yes I could be counted on to show up on time, yes.

4. When did you last yell at someone?  Why?   I do not like drama, so it's rare but the last time was my dog long ago who ran out into the street.  I yelled "STOP" loud enough and tough enough that neighbors were shocked.  Their reaction me laugh but, it saved the dogs life even though it scared her so much!

5. If you could have free, unlimited service for five years from an extremely good cook, chauffeur, housekeeper, masseuse, or personal secretary, which would you choose?   I need a housekeeper very badly.  I could also benefit from a very good masseuse.  I can't really drive now so I need a chauffeur too!

6. Would you be willing to go to a slaughterhouse and kill a cow?  Do you eat meat? 
  Of course I eat meat. It was given to man to eat with thanksgiving. Don't start the vegan  religion with me.  Animals should be slaughtered in the kosher manner which is humane and painless and ordained by God to Moses.

7. Do you feel ill at ease going alone to either diner or a movie?  What about going on a vacation by yourself?
It is no longer safe to be alone anywhere. You must have a battalion of Marines with you.. heavily armed.
8. Would you like to be famous?  In what way?  Famous with God for doing good and being good, yes. Otherwise, no.  I like my privacy.

9. Would you rather play a game with someone more or less talented than you?  More. I can learn that way.

10. Is there something you've dreamed of doing for a long time? 
Why haven't you done it?  Yes, moving to   Montana, Wyoming, Idaho... not done it since its a huge pain to move and I need to live near relatives for help.

11. If you were at a friend's house for Thanksgiving dinner and found a dead cockroach in your salad, what would you do?
I would not eat it. That is what I would do.

12. Would you accept $10,000 to shave your head and continue your normal activities sans hat or wig without explaining the reason for your haircut?     No. That's really a dumb thing to do for money.  If I could  wear a wig I might.  

13. If you were able to wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, would you do so?  Whom would you pick?   It is better to stick with what you know.

14. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?  My parents and most of the family.

15. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?   human exploitations, drugs, religion


  1. One of these days, I'd like to go to MT, ID, WY, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico... I've only been to 30 states in the S, mostly in the east.

  2. I'm surprised at how many people won't go to a restaurant or a theater alone. It never occurred to me that this was a "thing."

  3. Grinning over the battalion of Marines...I don't like to go to many places alone, but I do. It sure gets lonely everyday driving to and back to work, just saying. ANYWAYS--wishing you a beautiful day friend.

    1. Note to Linda...tune into the JoyFm. That's how I survived my long commute from Salt Springs to Ocala for many years. They kept me company and singing praises to Jesus. I miss that because we don't listen to the radio at all anymore.

  4. I appreciated your honest and frank answers. My heart goes out to you for being in so much pain. I have little pain compared to yours, but even that limits what I do and it is frustrating to me, so I can imagine how it must be for you. I also do not like to dine alone in public. I've done it when necessary while on the job, but I would prefer to have company or eat at home. I'd love to see MT, WY, ID, etc., but I don't know that it will ever happen. We just don't really enjoy traveling anymore. If I could just be "transported" there without all the hassle, then I'd love to go! LOL. Oh yes, I would love a housekeeper and cook primarily. I do not enjoy my own cooking so much anymore and housekeeping is such a chore to keep up with. I really would love a good housekeeper at least once a week to come take care of all the basics. Thank you for your answers. I enjoyed reading them!

    1. "If I could just be "transported" there without all the hassle..."

      Someone should invent that, like the Star Trek transporter or holodeck!

  5. I would hide the cockroach under a piece of lettuce and help clear the table after dinner to throw it in the trash before anyone else saw it.

    Could #13 be an influential person? Imagine waking up as the leader of the free world. You could do anything!


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