Friday, May 12, 2023

Haiku and Photos

Another Friday, sunny and warm with storms expected. How quickly the weather changes. Spring is well on her way with only a month left to go. Summer is hot on her heels now. Wednesday I vacuumed out some drawners in postions I have not assumed for over a decade because of my spinal problems. Thursday monring I could barely move the pain was so awful. I see which sets of muscles need to get moving!! This was definitely a call to awareness.


     In a Temple Garden

The Old Green Pond is silent.
 Here, the hop of a frog
plumbs the evening silence: Plop!


The downpour prickles on the pond,so sharp
it hits the heads of shallow floating carp.

Winter's end

Epitome of Spring

Glimpsed through a crevice in
the garden fence,
one white flower is spring's



 All Heaven and Earth Flowered white obliterate...
Snow...unceasing snow
               ~~ Hashin

All photographs taken by me on my property. 


  1. A big fat frog! Hopefully your pain subsides soon. I'm struggling with a very painful right hip. I think it has something to do with kicking the soccer ball with my granddaughter.

  2. Very beautiful photos. I hope that you get some relief from your pain.


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