z Cottage by the Sea : What Do You Think?
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, May 8, 2023

What Do You Think?

Last night I finally hired someone to cut my grass. 
 He will clean up my whole yard for 1200.  Expensive but has to be done.  He will cut my lawn twice a month for far less, thank goodness.
Here is my entry for Tuesday 4.  Go visit and join in and please visit the other entrants.
writing happy things

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  It's so nice to have you here.

Let's talk about you this week.  Let others know your feelings and convictions. Give some advice and some wisdom.  And remember to visit the other contributors to get to know them and find out their opinions too!

1.  What do you believe the purpose of life is?   We are here to grow in holy, righteous character but no we are not "little gods" as some religious are teaching people today.

2.  How do you handle stress ? What do you recommend to others who are stressed out?

To handle stress you have to recognize where it comes from and then reasonably and rationally take control of it and forbid it in yourself. Just say no and mean it.  Be tough with yourself. Don't give in to your base nature but take control and rule over your passions.

3. What enjoyable things do you wish you could do more often? How would  it improve your life? 

I wish I could go more places and do more things.  I really could use a little vacation. It's been decades and I am just so tired and in need of respite and relief.   I would love to get to the movies more and to the museums in NYCity.. the Opera.   I' d like to get to the rodeo and the baseball games more often as well.  Would really make me happy to be out and about.   I am almost always alone and it gets old in a hurry.

4. Do you believe in God?   Why or why not? 

Yes, I believe in God and I believe God too.   The fact that we can see beauty is a huge proof for the existence of a Creator.  Also, he consistently answers my prayers and many times in very dramatic ways.



  1. Hi Annie, I can certainly relate to the need to get out and about be it nearer or farther. I too need a vacation. I've felt cooped in since just before the pandemic. I'm so glad you believe in God and the He answers prayers. Without Him, life would be so much worse. Hugs and best wishes to you as you navigate the coming year.

  2. I love your last answer...It's so important to believe in God and to actually believe God and take Him at His word.

  3. I love all the answers you gave. If I lived near you I would go to baseball games with you and the rodeo too. I love a good rodeo. I hope you have a great week and I hope your lawn/yard person works out well.

  4. I enjoyed your answers. It seems like travel is definitely on peoples list


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