Saturday 9: Michelle (1965)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Listen to it.
I was not a Beatles fan but Michelle was the first song played at my wedding reception. My father hired a little orchestra to play and they did a lovely rendition of it.
1) In this song, Paul McCartney sings to Michelle in French, "Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble." Can you say anything else in French?
Yes. I can read French better than I speak it though but I can get by.
2) Paul admits that he, as a teenager, he'd perform the first few bars at parties to impress girls. It was John Lennon who encouraged him to "turn it into a proper song." Tell us about a time you were glad you took advice from a friend or coworker.
I can't say I ever did take advice from a friend or co-worker. Relatives yes, but no one else.
3) A big Elvis fan, Paul is proud to own the bass that was played on the 1954 recording of "That's Alright, Mama." Tell us about one of your prized possessions.
My piano, my art work, etc. but possessions are temporary and in the end are nothing so {"prized" is a bit over the top for me.
4) John was also an Elvis fan and honored The King by naming one of his cats Elvis. Do you share your home with any pets? If so, let us know their names.
I have dozens of fish in my pond. They aren't pets. My animals were always just friends who lived with me.
5) John was a heavy smoker who often attempted to quit. He tried hypnosis but that didn't work. Have you ever been hypnotized?
Yes. I was hypnotized by a friends husband to stick to a diet. Wow.. did it ever work!! I lost 50 pounds in 5 months , 10 lbs. per month without any trouble at all. And, it left me more relaxed and happy than I have ever been.
6) George Harrison fell in love with Hawaii and bought a 63-acre estate. If you could take off tomorrow for a vacation to any of our 50 states, which one would you choose?
Right here on the New Jersey shore. I would go to the gorgeous Victorian Cape May for a month or so. You can search my blog for posts on Cape May on the right hand side under "search".
Here is just one post.
6) While Ringo Starr quit signing autographs for fans in 2008, he will donate autographed memorabilia to charity for auction. Have you ever bid on an item at auction? Did you win?
No I've never been to an auction.
7) As a young boy, Ringo had a severe case of appendicitis and his appendix was removed. Do you still have your appendix?
Seems I do.
8) In 1965 -- before Advil and Tylenol and Aleve -- Americans took aspirin to relieve pain. If we peered into your medicine chest, would we find aspirin?
Yes. Bayer aspirin. Nothing works as well as that.
9) Random question: You're at dinner with a married couple who begins to argue. Would you intercede and try to make peace? Or would you just sit back and mind your own business?
I'd pour a quart of cold water over the duo and tell them to go home. Imagine the chutzpah of someone arguing at someone else's house! If you can't control yourselves stay home but leave your drama filled neurotic behavior in your own home and God help your kids.

I would like to see Cape May. We have friends who vacationed there for years and a couple of years ago they bought a house there with the hope of retiring there when the time comes. The wife, especially, just gushes about how wonderful it is there.
ReplyDeleteCape May sounds lovely, I may have to plan a road trip.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this post and your answers. I enjoyed the Beatles in their early years, but when they got all crazy from drugs or whatever I wasn't much of a fan. Oh, an auction! I must tell a story about the one I went to some day. It was pretty funny. They are interesting to watch, but you best be careful about what kind of motions you make or you may end up with something you really didn't want! LOL. You have been a very good promoter for the coast of NJ. Someday we may have to come up and visit it. We never knew NJ could be so beautiful! Wow, I can't imagine you ever needing to lose 50 lbs., but I am glad the hypnosis worked and didn't leave you with any strange unexplainable behaviors! LOL. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
ReplyDeleteAmen to the last question. I hope you're having a beautiful Saturday.
ReplyDeleteYour answer to the last question made me laugh. Although that's exactly what would be needed, how rude to argue at someone else's table. jsmh