Wednesday, September 6, 2023

For Today....

The Simple Woman's Daybook.

For Today


Looking out my window...

My back pond is peaceful and crystal clear down to it's sandy bottom.
The fish are happy and that's just great.

I am thinking...
What a quiet, peaceful day it has been.
I could not sleep at all last night, so I just got up and then went to bed at noon and slept until 5PM.  I am still sleepy! 

I am thankful...
For a very loose schedule making it possible to sleep when I need to.

One of my favorite things...
boats on the water

I am creating...
I have 2 paintings in progress. Here is one of them.

I am wearing...

blue jeans, a plain black tee shirt and bare feet

I am listening to...
a smooth jazz channel on YouTube

I am hoping...
for a peaceful, healthy upcoming Autumn

I am learning....
I am studying theology and have been for a while.

In my kitchen...
 I made some chipotle chili this morning and now am having bowl.

In the school room...
I while back I enrolled in a university theology course. 

In my garden...
my beach roses (Rugosa) and my wisteria are just wild.  They grow like crazy.

Board room...
my Pinterest link is on the side bar.. take a look! 

Shared Quote...  
"Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions."    G.K. Chesterton

A moment from my day...

Closing Notes...

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Your painting looks wonderful! I also love the decorations (especially the starfish) in the last photo! Hope you have a blessed day!

  2. I didn't know you painted most of your beautiful headers!! WoW♥ The view from your window is so pretty and so peaceful, you are blessed.

  3. Hi Annie~ Your paintings are amazing! I also love smooth jazz on Pandora, so relaxing. Have a wonderful rest of your week!

  4. "Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions." G.K. Chesterton


  5. Good Morning !
    Your site is always so inviting - your beautiful headers and lovely wallpapers , interesting content - so welcoming ! Thank you !
    Your new painting is the seascapes !!!
    Have a splendid day , you have made the beginning of mine so enjoyable !


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