z Cottage by the Sea : Plans!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, September 4, 2023


Good day friends!    Great weather here on the very edge of America.   It thundered Monday in the late morning but it didn't rain.   I like the sounds of thunder anyway.  
I have enjoyed this summer so very much.    It was just so lovely outside and inside never got too warm.  And there are still a few weeks left for the beach.      You can never get too much of the beach or summer ice cream cones!
 I am taking part in Toni's Tuesday 4!    I wouldn't miss it!

Seeing ahead
Welcome back friends!

A wise man once said that most people fall into their lives.   They don't plan and carry out what they would like to do, they just fall into things through circumstances.      Others plan and prepare for life.  They know the kind of person they want to spend their life with, the kind of family, home  or job they wish to have and make a concerted effort to follow through.  

So what about you?

1. Did you plan to be where you are right now in life or did you just end up where you are?

No. I made no plans at all as a young person.    I recall walking to school with my friends and they were talking about the names they had chosen for their future children.   I was surprised as it never crossed my mind! As a young person I had no idea what I wanted to do or be.    I had never thought of marrying anyone or what kind of wedding like many girls do.  Nothing of that sort interested me.  I kind of planned for college but then again, not really.

2. What plans did you make for your future and what plans do you have for the future now or are you just marking time?

I do not want to just mark time!   What an awful thing to do with your life!!      This is why I am always talking about enjoying every season, every day as much as we can.   It is a terrible thing to wish your life away or to be unsatisfied in your situation. Rather we should try to make the best of it all.

Free of earthly woes
As far as plans that I made as an adult.. 

I am making plans as best I can. I have been disabled for a   long time  and it makes plans iffy.    But, I want to live my life more fruitfully by getting out more, going places  if possible, making new friends and getting more art work done while I still can.  

3.  Do you live where you want to live or would you have done things differently when planning where to live?

I live where I always wanted to be,  by the ocean or as we say in New Jersey , " I live down the shore" though I was always within a few minutes of the Atlantic growing up.

4.  What is planned for this coming Autumn? 

  • trips or plans with family or friends?
  • vacations?
  • holiday plans? 
  • Reading list?

 I am planning now for Halloween and Thanksgiving Day... football games, food etc.   I would love a trip to Plimoth Plantation  in Plymouth Massachusetts or perhaps up to Mystic Seaport in Connecticut  I would like a trip up to the Poconos as well.  A trip to Cape May is always welcome!  Not sure any of this will happen but I hope it will.

Thanksgiving Plans

My reading list: I hope to replace Lady Bird Johnson's A White House Diary.   What a great book that was but long lost. I want to read it once again.  I read over it so many times years ago.  I highly recommend it to you.  

Holiday plans include making a good sausage stuffing for the turkey this yea and a pizza party for late October/Halloween time. Though I don't really celebrate Halloween, I do give out candy to children. 

Thank you for joining in to make Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 a success.   


  1. Oh my Anni, thank you for sharing about your husband's illness and now your own. I can empathize about being a caregiver and also sick. It takes a lot of strength. I hope your travel and holiday plans are a great success.

  2. Dear Annie, thank you for sharing with us. My friend Sharon's nephew suffers from that illness and it is very hard on his parents as he is middle aged and they are older but try so hard to help him. Being a caregiver is difficult. Your such a remarkable person. I am sorry you had to deal with so much, I can not even imagine. But your grace and strength and kindness saw you through. I hope all your plans this Fall season are just what you need. Thank you for hosting always. I am grteful to be able to be here today.

  3. Hi Annie. I hope you will at least be able to go to some of those places. Wouldn't that be wonderful. I'm sorry that your life has been so hard, but you have such a great attitude about it and I admire that. Take care, my friend, and thanks for the Tuesday 4. Have a great day!

  4. Annie, sorry to hear of the struggles from you husband's mental illness. I do understand as my son also has mental problems and is on a regimen of meds. My heart goes out to you. I sincerely hope you get to go on all those trips and enjoy it all. Sending you a ((hug)) across the miles.

  5. I am so sorry about your husband. My co-workers daughter is going through a divorce from that same situation with the mental illness right now.
    #1...that was me too in school and I am ok with that. I do think it is neat how some people just know what they want to be when they grow up. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥


  6. Big hugs. Life with mental illness is not easy and leaves one feel very lonely. I'm glad you're able to live there and I hope you wish for these trips will be fullfilled. Thank you for doing so much for others.

  7. I enjoyed your answers. Enjoyed your answer to #2. I agree with enjoying each season. Your thoughts on your husband and that journey of life were well written. Thank you for sharing that with us. When we went to the NE states last October (uggh I still need to write those posts) we went to Plimoth/Plymouth and Mystic. I think we might have even went to Cape May. I'll have to look it up.


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