z Cottage by the Sea : HodgePodge
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


From This Side of the Pond

1. If your life had a theme song for this past year what would it be? 

2. Chocolate cake, chocolate milkshake, chocolate ice cream, chocolate truffle, chocolate mousse, chocolate candy bar or a fudgy chocolate brownie...of the chocolate treats listed, which one is your favorite? Which one have you tasted most recently? Or maybe you don't like chocolate???
Chocolate is great but it, along with grapes and wine can trigger migraines for me and for the Famous Anonymous too(grapes and wine that is).   If I pick something it would be chocolate brownie with frosting  or Snickers.  For parties I used to make a  9X11 baking pan full of brownies half plain and half with nuts and then frost them with milk chocolate or chocolate fudge frosting.   They don't last long.
They are also good is you stripe the frosting alternating chocolate with vanilla.
I also like chocolate ice cream soda with vanilla ice cream in them.

3. What has surprised you recently? 
    That I enjoy being single again very much.    

4. September 19th is National Voter Registration Day in the US. Are you registered to vote in whatever state or country you happen to live in right now? If not, why not? Not counting a political race, what's something you've had to vote on recently? 
 No to all that nonsense.  Right, Left.. two sides of the same rotten coin.   God warned Israel of the consequences of putting in governments that are not of God.   He warned  that if they desire a King they will inevitably have conscription, requisitioning of their property, and severe taxation ,  
5. Do you like to hike? If so, when's the last time you went hiking and where'd ya go? If you're not a hiker are you a walker? Is walking (for exercise, etc.) part of your daily/weekly routine? 
No. I really can't walk very well.   When I go places, like baseball games, the rodeo, I take my walker because the walk is long. My walker is specialized for rugged terrain.  But I do walk a lot once I am out and about.  

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
Weather has been so gorgeous from June through now. It was a beautiful summer and now the ending days of summer are just as lovely.  Summer just went by far too quickly this year.  As Autumn comes into view, I am sure it will be just as nice. Well, I hope it will be.

There are still a few days of summertime remaining.. Enjoy them!


  1. Nice article❣ Don't forget visit me https://www.postinks.my.id

  2. This is my favorite time of year and we've had beautiful weather recently. Enjoy autumn at the shore.

  3. I've been so enjoying our weather the last few weeks. The next few days are going to be a bit warmer, but not bad. I hope you have a great day!

  4. Before Keto, my DIL mades the best brownies, using thin mints as a topping. We're all trying to mind our p's and q's before the holidays.

  5. Good Morning !
    As to chocolate - I have a 'fridge magnet that reads "Behind every successful woman is a cat , and a fridge full of chocolate " . That's me !
    There is a restaurant that serves slices of cake called "Dark Side of the Moon"...a dark , rich , moist cake , with chocolate mousse filling and ganache frosting , adorned with a dark chocolate crescent moon candy...sigh...am SO food motivated...LOL...
    Back to business...wonderful content...always something lovely , uplifting and thought provoking to be found here ! Thank you !!

  6. It's beautiful here this week, still warm but with less humidity! Enjoy your afternoon!

  7. I like that song by Sara Bareilles. oh, what a bummer about the migraines. I wonder what it is in grapes that can trigger them....interesting. I enjoyed your answers. I actually just read part of your side bar and didn't realize you paint most of your blog headers.


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