z Cottage by the Sea : Scene Around Town
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, September 22, 2023

Scene Around Town

So that senator who shall remain nameless can dress like old boomers  and bums do nowadays in dumpy shorts, Tee shirts and hoodies but if you go to the Senate to visit you must dress up in business attire.
The nation is going down the toilet faster all the time.  No respect for the halls of government, no respect for the nation being represented either.    Same with schools and houses of worship where God is supposed to be grateful that you even  grace him and show up in your shorts, jeans and old Tee shirts.
 Of course you have to dress up to visit the White House or the King. I guess they are more important than God.       Today you can go to worship, school, restaurants, etc. like you are going out to muck out the stables.    
 Here are some photos that don't have boomer bums in them....  

Taken last October



  1. I got called to jury duty next month. They have a dress code for that. No boomer bums allowed.

  2. Hi Annie~ Amen to the bums and boomer wearing less than appropriate attire... ugh! No respect. Love your photos today! You certainly live in a gorgeous part of the country!! Hugs, Barb

  3. Such beautiful scenery! Hooray, Autumn is finally here!!!!

  4. Good Morning !
    Stormy , windy and rainy here...a nice excuse to snuggle down with a hot cup of tea...the warm kitty in my lap doesn't hurt , either ...lol...
    Beautiful photos ! There is an unwelcome change afoot...a lack of respect , where it is due . I've heard the phrase regarding change , that
    " the pendulum swings back and forth" , but it is of cold comfort to one living in this downward slope !
    Stay safe , well and warm...

  5. Greetings and Salutations! It is raining here which we needed. Gray skies show off the autumn colors. Leaves scattered on the ground. Folks gathering up wood and buying generators to survive the winter ahead. Life is. Lovely photographs!


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