z Cottage by the Sea : Christmas Tuesday 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Christmas Tuesday 4



 Hi there. It's time for another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4...  

Christmas is next week...Let's talk a bit about it, okay?

1. Are you excited for Christmas to come?

I am excited before all holidays.  Holidays mean family time, good food and fellowship.

2. What do you look forward to on Christmas? All of the decoration people do.  The twinkling lights are so warm and beautiful. The lovely music and happy people.

3. What will Christmas Eve find you doing?  I will be with my family and eating home made Chinese spring rolls and other lovely foods and desserts.

4. What will be on the menu for Christmas?    All kinds of good things to eat. I make a big deal of holidays when everyone is free from work and able to get together to enjoy the time and food together.



  1. Homemade spring rolls sounds good. My granddaughter would love that for Christmas. She is not much of a meat eater, but she likes seafood. Family time is the best!

  2. Springrolls! That's a good idea.

    Lovely sigtag!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. I love being with family over the holidays too! I hope you have a great time. I loved your answers! Have a nice week. Merry Christmas! ♥


  4. Sounds delightful!! All of the good food and time with family...that is what is most special to me. I hope you have a delightful time! Thank you again for your lovely Tuesday 4 meme this week. It was fun.

  5. This week's questions and answers were timely and heart warming ! Your choice of the nostalgic Santa and adorable elves is terrific ! You have a real talent for finding the perfect illustrations for each post ! I am most grateful to have been "grafted " into my best friend's Family Tree and included in all the festivities !!! A precious gift , indeed !


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