z Cottage by the Sea : Surf Friday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, December 22, 2023

Surf Friday

Nights are freezing cold lately.. down into the 20'sF. Typical winter weather. Thursday was the first day of winter and the shortest day of the year though it didn't seem that short to me.
We had a big gale over several days.  I am posting some photos taken by others showing the Atlantic ocean near me with it's 20-22foot waves.   

photo: Mary Beeman

   These are breaking very close to shore and took a big bite out of the beach.

                                                    Photo   @dn_photo on Instagram

by Travis Benintendo
Photo by Kerry Irwin.. Manasquan



  1. Thanks for sharing these great photos Annie!

  2. Yikes! look at that crazy person!!! (lol)--its has been bitter cold here, Annie, 30* at night. I know, it's not the same, but nonetheless, when one goes from 80* and humid to 30*and dry and 50* during the day, yeah....smiles.

  3. I agree... Yikes! and Wow! Hope that surfer survived the wipeout. Absolutely gorgeous photos!

  4. WHOA !!!
    Those waves mean business ! I gratefully leave that "pushing the envelope" of storm surfing to those far younger , braver and far more skilled !
    Pray for their safety !
    May you all be safe , well , warm and in the company of those who love you !


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