z Cottage by the Sea : Rollin' Stone
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Rollin' Stone

These stones aren't rolling and they are more like boulders but here is a new painting I am working on..
I have no  idea where to go with it! NONE!  I guess I could work on the water and falls more.. but then what?  Oh well, onward to other things.

Saturday 9: Rollin' Stone (1958)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune?       Hear it Here.
1) The title comes from the proverb, "a rolling stone gathers no moss." What do you suppose that proverb is trying to teach us?
 That people who have no roots, no connections have nothing at all.
2) The lyrics warn us not to be lazy stay-at-homes but to go out and learn about the world around us. Tell us about a place you haven't visited yet but would like to.
 I would like to go to Montana ..big sky country. One of the lowest populations in the 4th largest state in America.

3) Karen and Cubby were Mouseketeers on the original Mickey Mouse Club, a TV show which ran from 1955 to 1959. Then, from 1962 to 1967, local TV stations reran it in syndication. In 1989, there was a Mickey Mouse Club reboot, which launched the careers of Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.   So The Mickey Mouse Club has entertained generations of kids.   What shows did you enjoy as a child?
The Mickey Mouse Club, Sandy Becker (Looney Tunes. Cartoon show).

4) Karen was Karen Pendleton, among the youngest of the original Mouseketeers. Producers discovered her at a local dancing school. Have you ever taken dance lessons?
Yes. from age 4 until well after high school .    In school we began "social dancing" in 5th grade learning the fox trot, waltz, square dancing, etc.

5) When The Mickey Mouse Club ended, Karen left show business. She went to public school, graduated, got married, and had a daughter. When she was in her 30s, she was involved in a car accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down. Still, she went back to college, earning first her Bachelor's and then Master's degrees in psychology. Have you considered continuing your education? What subject would you pursue?
 I am studying theology.

6) Cubby is Cubby O'Brien, a drum prodigy who began playing professionally when he was just 8 years old. After the Mickey Mouse Club he went on to The Lawrence Welk Show. As he entered his teens, he prioritized school over TV. He later returned to television as musician on The Carol Burnett Show. He also performed in concert behind The Carpenters. Do you have a favorite Carpenters song?  
It's Going to Take Some Time".   

7) In 1958, when kids were watching the original Mickey Mouse Club during the day, adults were watching Westerns. The most popular TV shows of that year included Gunsmoke, Wagon Train and The Rifleman. Have you ever fantasized about life as a cowboy/cowgirl?
 Yup. So I was secretary of the Utah Gymkhana (amateur rodeo).  I used my bike as a horse when I was small but later owned a few horses of my own.

8) Also in 1958, Dwight Eisenhower became the first President to appear on color TV. Not many Americans saw him in color, though. It wasn't until 1972 that color TVs outsold black-and-white sets. Did you ever own a black-and-white TV?
 My parents certainly did.
9) Random question -- Did you pass your driver's license test on the first try?
No.  I messed up the parallel parking cones.  I had to come back to do it again.  I cried when I messed up again and he just gave me my license.


  1. Yep on #1. I hope you have a beautiful day Annie. smiles

  2. Parking is such a trial during a driving test! I still can't parallel park well. I like your take on the proverb. And your painting is lovely.

  3. Parallel parking … what a pain. I went to visit my younger daughter who lives in Manhattan and luckily found street parking …and my older daughter had to parallel park my car for me,

  4. #4- I am so jealous of you all that were able to take dance in school. We had to do all sports. I was good at gymnastics, but that was about it. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.♥


  5. I bumped the curb parallel parking but passed anyway. The officer riding with me was either distracted by the fact that my infant son was with me or by the totally illegal car someone else had actually driven to the center to take their test in.

  6. Oh, I did the same thing on parallel parking the first time. I guess I finally did it right the 2nd time, but I still hate to park that way and will avoid it at all cost. I loved the Mickey Mouse Club as a child. We watched it faithfully. We didn't get a color TV until I was probably in High school. I never took dance lessons, beyond what we had in PE, square dancing/folk dance. We did do some modern dance improvisation in high school PE, and I remember making up a routine to Ebb Tide. I enjoyed that, but never had another opportunity to do anything like that, except in my own living room. LOL. I can imaging that you were a lovely dancer. Maybe someday we will all be able to dance again in heaven. Leaping for joy!
    I enjoyed your post. Have a lovely rest of your weekend.

  7. Hi ! Hoping all is well with all of you !
    The painting is interesting...might your rocks be at the base of a rocky cliff , whose stream begins at the top and flows into the little waterfall and its pool below ? One wonders...
    Parallel parking was the bane of my Drivers' Ed ! I avoid it to this day !


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