Saturday, December 23, 2023

Happy Holidays

For those who celebrate Christmas, I send my very heart felt wishes for a happy holiday to you and yours.

 From the archives

1. As you can see, when Sam Winters was a little girl, she loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. If you could ask Santa for anything at all, right now, what would it be?
Me as a toddler but no Santa in sight
 A new spine and a healthy  heart .
2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there?
Nice list.   I got there by being kind and nice most of the time.
3. Are you traveling this Christmas? If so, are you going by car, plane or train?
No travel.
4. Did you ship any gifts to friends and family this year? If yes, which one traveled the farthest?
The farthest gift was about a quarter mile down the road.
5. Did you buy yourself a gift this year?
In a way, yes. My late husband had planned on replacing my wedding ring, so I did it now.
6. Which do you prefer: candy canes or gingerbread?
Gingerbread with whipped cream on it.
7. Close your eyes and tell us the first carol that comes to mind.  From Polar Express......

8. What's your favorite winter beverage?
I used to love hot chocolate but chocolate isn't good for me headache wise. 
9. Share a memory from last Christmas.
We watched some lovely movies and ate good food... a good time was had by all!


  1. I love that song, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful day my friend.

  2. I forgot all about that song. Thanks for posting it. Josh Groban is pretty amazing. I've never been a big fan of that movie, but my girls always loved it. After watching that video, I feel like I want to watch it again. Merry Christmas Annie!

  3. Oh my goodness! That photo of you is gorgeous! I love it. Prayers that God will heal you of your pain! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend and Merry Christmas! ♥

  4. How sweet that you replaced your ring in memory of your late husband. That is a wonderful gift to yourself. Merry Christmas!

  5. I loved this post, and I pray for your comfort and good health in the New Year. Miracles do still happen, so we can pray! I love that you have replaced your wedding ring. That is very special indeed. I have never listened to The Polar Express before, so I guess I should check it out. I pray you and your family will have a blessed and wonderful Christmas.

  6. It seems good health is a wish we all have...praying we get it. It's touching that you got yourself the new wedding ring for Christmas. I bet your husband would have approved. Would you believe I just saw The Polar Express for the first time at work this past Friday?

  7. I love that song from Polar Express. I think it is great that you got yourself a new ring! I inherited my mom's ring and she had many. I got the biggest, since I am the oldest. I don't wear it often, but it is pretty. Have a Merry Christmas Annie!


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