Friday, January 26, 2024

Autumn Chant

Rain and higher temperatures in the 40s.. a regular heat wave, is what is on the weather menu.  Snow down here is gone now.  In reality it never lasts long in South Jersey by the beach.  

Autumn is gone but leaves remain as do the remnants of the reeds that grow along the water, only they are orange, brown and straw colored now.   When the winds of winter whip them around they fly into the water like little boats.                      I am joining with Skywatch Friday.

Autumn Chant

Now the autumn shudders
In the rose's root.
Far and wide the ladders
Lean among the fruit.

Now the autumn clambers
Up the trellised frame,
And the rose remembers
The dust from which it came.

Brighter than the blossom
On the rose's bough
Sits the wizened, orange,
Bitter berry now;

Beauty never slumbers;
All is in her name;
But the rose remembers
The dust from which it came.
- edna st vincent millay


  1. We've had lots of rain and some areas of flooding. The sun was out yesterday but this morning skies are grey again. Once again, a beautiful post♥

  2. Warm here too. Super cool photo. What a view! Clouds make the best subjects, don't they?! Have a great weekend. 😀

  3. I loved the poem. I love that even in winter, "the rose remembers the dust from which it came." Come spring and summer the flowers will reappear on the earth...such a wonderful cycle that God created for our world to be renewed after a long winter's nap. Loved the picture too.

  4. Another wonderful post ! The poem brings a new view to the natural cycle of things...thank you for sharing that lovely photo , too ...a wealth of gifts !


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