Thursday, January 25, 2024


Afternoon on a Hill


I will be the gladdest thing
   Under the sun!
I will touch a hundred flowers
   And not pick one.

I will look at cliffs and clouds
   With quiet eyes,
Watch the wind bow down the grass,
   And the grass rise.

And when lights begin to show
   Up from the town,
I will mark which must be mine,
   And then start down!
                       —Edna St. Vincent Millay

linking with Thankful Thursday. 


  1. I really loved the poem and the picture that went with it. Did you paint that one? It is so lovely! I can picture myself sitting there, just like the poet! Although I would have a hard time not picking any flowers for a bouquet! I love wildflower bouquets! To me, they are the best!!!

    1. Yes I painted this but it is a copy of someone else's work.. sort of like they copy the Mona Lisa.So this is my version of someone elses' work.

  2. That's lovely. Must be one of your paintings. Absolutely fantastic. Thanks for lifting all our spirits. Blessings. xx

  3. Oh , my friend , what a lovely post !
    You have paired the poem with the painting , in perfect harmony !
    Surely , we are to marvel at God's great creations , but His fingerprints are on the tiniest of beauties , as well ! Thank you ! Stay safe , well and warm...we have a rainy day today !


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