Saturday, January 27, 2024


Happy weekend. It's windy and rainy here on the seashore but much warmer than last week which was frigidly cold.  If you look at my side bar you will notice that the date also tells you about holidays and occasions for the day and you will see that today is the birthday of Wolfgang Mozart!    
Happy Birthday Wolfie!   I enjoy your beautiful music very much.

I am joining in with Saturday 9. It's fun to do.

Saturday 9: Joanna (1983)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
I had an aunt named Joanna only it was Yochana.  She used Joanne though, "Joanne" Levine who was one of the first women in NJ to get bank loans to open her own business.   It was very hard for women back in the day.  I was so proud of her.      I miss her a lot.
1) The subject of this week's song, Joanna, is described as someone who never lets you down and can always be counted upon. Who in your life is like that?
  Most people let you down in one way or the other.  I have to say God is really the only one.
2) Kool and the Gang vocalist James "J. T." Taylor sings that he will do his best to do what's right for her. Reflect on the last week. What did you devote special effort to?
I don't think I devoted special effort to anything this week. 
3) This video was filmed at the Colonial Diner in Lyndhurst, NJ. Still open 40 years later, the Colonial is known for their Boom Boom Shrimp, aka fried shrimp in sweet chili sauce. Think of your favorite local restaurant. What menu item would recommend?  Breakfast... French toast or pancakes are always good when you eat out.  Same with hamburgers and french fries.   My favorite place to eat is in Lakewood, NJ and I get the Shwarma.or the Falafal. but then that's just me.
Colonial Diner is an hour or so from me now  When I was a kid it was 25 minute drive.  It's a very cool diner
Colonial Diner

4) Kool and the Gang's biggest hit was 1980's "Celebration," which is popular today with disc jockeys at wedding receptions. Are you likely to get up and dance at a wedding reception? Or would we find you enjoying the party from your seat?
Depends on how my spine is doing at the time.

5) Kool and the Gang are proud of their NJ roots. Group founder Robert Bell was given the nickname "Kool" by his Jersey City friends because he was so "laid back." Do you think your friends would describe you as "laid back?"
Oh yes, I am very laid back. Extremely laid back. I was never going to be a cheer leader because I could never work up that much enthusiasm about anything. If you know the old TV Show Daria.. well I am Daria Morgandorfer.

6) One of the Jersey City's biggest employers is Evergreen, a transportation and shipping company with offices in Evertrust Plaza, a high-rise near the waterfront. What is the tallest building you've ever been in? Were you there for business, or to enjoy the view?  I suppose the Statue of Liberty though it's not a building.  Although I grew up 25 minutes outside NYC  I don't recall being in any really high building ever. Oh wait.... I was in the Skylon Tower in Niagara Falls, Canada. It's a beautiful view over the falls on the Canadian side. 

7) In 1983, when "Joanna" topped the charts, Vanessa Williams became the first African American to be crowned Miss America. Today, Miss America is still among the most popular televised pageants, along with Miss World and Miss Universe. Do you watch beauty pageants?
I used to watch Miss America but my father disapproved and called them meat markets.
8) Also in 1983, superstars Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson joined forces for the #1 song, "Say, Say, Say." Each man began his career as part of a group but went on to have success on his own. Can you think of anyone else who started out in band or group but also scored as a solo artist?
Glen Campbell was a virtuoso guitarist in the group The Wrecking Crew who played the real music behind most famous rock groups(who were marginal at best and same today).  Glen was a great artist on his own.
9) Random question: Have you more recently eaten bread sticks or carrot sticks?
 Carrot sticks that were very good.


  1. Great answers and interesting info! Also Happy Birthday to "Wolfie". My hubby is a big fan of Mozart's music, and I do enjoy it as well. We loved the movie Amadeus. Never knew that about Glen Campbell! He was a good singer. I love carrot sticks. Have a blessed day. It will 82 here this afternoon, but tomorrow and next week it will get back down in 40's again.

  2. Now that's something new I learned about Glen Campbell. Thanks for sharing that. He did really well in the film, "True Grit" with John Wayne. I do still enjoy his music. I also like Classical. Didn't know that today was Mozart's birthday though. He was a musical genius. My fav Classical music is mostly Beethoven. Another genius. Such talent. He was the "rock star" of his day, or so I've read.
    Fun post. Enjoy the weekend! xx

  3. We went to Niagara Falls for our anniversary one year and had dinner in the restaurant at the top of the Skylon Tower. Pricey, but very cool. When he was younger my husband always went for the wow factor.

  4. I've been to the observation tower of the Empire State Building back in the 60s. I also climbed to the top of the Statue of Liberty as far as her crown. I'd like to think that I was laid back but I know I'm not and those who know me well probably wouldn't think so either. Happy Birthday to Wolfgang!

  5. Glen Campbell spent a lot of time in my neck of the woods and we have shared several mutual friends. I just watched a youtube of him playing the William Tell Overture with a full orchestra, he was so good...and fast! At one time Mr D and I danced often, that's been a long time ago.

  6. Well, I can you tell you I am high-strung, LOLOLOL. Ok, prob both high strung and laidback, it just depends, LOL. OK OKOKOKOK, I'm a bully, LOLOLOL. Ok enough shenanigans, LOL. smiles.

  7. We've been to Niagara Falls...Canadian side...went with friends , long ago ...good food , nice shops...spectacular Falls !


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