Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. 

We ask 4 questions each week to get you talking, thinking, questioning and seeing how your friends feel about things too.   It helps us get to know other bloggers.

Let's think about books and reading this week.

1.Do you have a favorite place to read? Maybe you can post a photo of it or describe it for us?      I used to read at the dining room table but now mostly at my computer.  My eyes are pretty bad so I dislike reading too much.

2.Some say reading makes a person more educated, more informed.  Do you think novels do this in any way? Do you learn things from novels?  Would you tell us what you have learned?  I would suppose that situations within a novels plot or the characters can teach lessons, so yes.

3. Are there any books on your list to read right now?  I am trying to work through the books on the Welsh Kingdom which is the real British kingdom.  These are books by Wilson and Blackett.   I like books on the trips of the first King Arthur and Prince Madoc to the falls of the Ohio where King Arthur was killed by Indians.  They came to America 70,000 strong and it was why many tribes spoke Welsh.. a little known fact. 

4, Which books did you like the most and which did you dislike most?    I always like books by Danielle Steele and Robert Parker as well as Agatha Christie.  I am a fool for educational literature as well.


  1. Interesting answers, and also the story about King Arthur, etc. Never knew any of that. I may need to read into that a little further. I will save my answers for my blog post, which hopefully I will have time to write later today. Thank you for doing this!

  2. Well, see now, we can learn by reading blogs too. I did not know that about King Arthur. Thanks for that information and for continuing to host Tuesday 4.

  3. According to Archaeology Magazine the area where the story of King Arthur started has been found. Can't remember the name of the little spit of land is. My brain ... lol Anyway, that was an interesting read. I like real history like that.
    It's lightly raining here at the moment. Supposed to clear up in a few minutes. That's good because I have a doctor's appointment (only a follow-up) and driving in the rain is not one of my favorite things. I can do it fine but so many drivers are distracted now that they can't stay in their own lanes.
    Have a wonderful day! xx

  4. #3...very interesting. I did not know that.
    Have you read the book Educated? It is a memoir. I enjoyed it very much. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  5. I too learned about King Arthur's forays into America today. I'll have to check it out more. All the best in reading and completing what's in your reading stack.

  6. do you listen to audio books? I enjoy those too along with regular books, and ebooks.

  7. Greetings to one and all !
    We had a lovely day today...a little warmer than recent days...yay !
    You library painting is a perfect reading spot...so pretty !
    It's wonderful to visit here...always something nice to look at and something new to learn - thank you !

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sometimes writers play with historical facts and/or figures. It's nice to put them side to side.
    Have a great week!


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