Monday, January 22, 2024

King Solomon Says...

The biblical perspective...

King Solomon
Ecclesiastes 10: 1-7
As dead flies bring a stench to the perfumer’s oil, so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor.  A wise man’s heart inclines to the right, but the heart of a fool to the left.  Even as the fool walks along the road, his sense is lacking, and he shows everyone that he is a fool.
If the ruler’s temper rises against you, do not abandon your position, because composure allays great offenses.
      There is an evil I have seen under the sun, like an error which goes forth from the ruler—  folly is set in many exalted places while rich men sit in humble places.  I have seen slaves riding on horses and princes walking like slaves on the land.


  1. That is good advice right there. Thanks for sharing His Holy Word. xx

  2. I know I've read the whole Bible a few times, but I do not recall most of this passage. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Good Morning ! Hope all are safe , well and warm !
    Such good advice !
    It always makes sense to go back to the original owners' manual !!!


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