Sunday, January 14, 2024

Monday Sunday Stealing

Late but busy, busy, busy... New ceiling went in Sunday done by my youngest son and his brother in law. Gorgeous job. My kids are awesome. Here is Sunday Stealing ....

 1. Your favorite part of the day.  When I was working it was morning and breakfast out with my friend.. who was my boss.    Later at another job it was autumn evening.  I loved walking home which was across the street in the lamp lit street.

2. Something you know a lot about.  Anthropology    
Just a random winter picture

3. An important person in your life.  My grandparents with whom I spent most of my childhood.

4. Your favorite recipe   I have so many... Kahlua Chili, stuffed cabbage Russian style, Sausage with  cabbage and potatoes. My enchiladas are good.

5. An event that turned out differently than planned      My 16th birthday. 

6. How you procrastinate. By putting things off but then that is what procrastination is. 

7. The best type of surprise.  Good news

8. Music that helps you relax. I don't think music really relaxes me.  I do like 50's music a lot though for good feeling.

9. A thing your life has in excess. Good people, great children.

10. A book you want to read. I have several on true Welsh history that are waiting to be read.  Several on the real King Arthur.. The king of Cymru or Wales. 
Did you know Welshmen are in the new testament... Linus, Claudia, Pudens.. all  Welshman and relatives to Paul.  I will do this bit of history in a post sometime soon.

11. A person you’re always happy to see.  My family.

12. What  time do you go to sleep? Usualy around 11PM

13. A word to describe the past year.  Good.

14. Your favorite household chore. Cleaning up.

15. One thing you’d like to see?   My house fixed!!  


  1. Yay on the new ceiling! The remodeling is really comin' along. I'm so glad you've gotten help with that.
    I think our favorite cabbage recipe is kielbasa and boiled cabbage. Steve pre-cooks the sausage in a pan as he cuts up the cabbage in tiny bits. Then he cooks it all together for a long time with lots of spices, butter, bacon grease, etc. It's so good. The meal goes a long way too.
    Fun post. I enjoyed your answers.
    Blessings. xx

  2. yay on the remodeling...and I am wondering about the surprise on your 16th birthday, aren't I just a nosy rosy, LOLOL. Wishing you beautiful day friend.

  3. Russian stuffed cabbage? My grandmother was Russian. She called it hullupse.

  4. I grew up in Binghamton, NY where there were lots of people of eastern European heritage. So I have eaten halupki, but not in a great while.

  5. Sounds like you're on your way to getting the house fixed. Bravo.

  6. Good kids !!!
    Sounds like that project is coming along nicely !
    Wishing you lots of good news !!!

  7. I always love seeing my family too, I am also blessed with great kids. Enjoyed reading your answers, hope the remodel continues going well. ☺♥

  8. I love being with family too. How exciting to be getting so much done on your remodeling of the home. Take care.


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