Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Storm

Flooding!  A wee bit of water from the ocean has invaded some parts of the Jersey shore.
photo by kim moroz
The storm raged all the way up to Maine.  The ocean waves were raging and wild.
 California has had a super surf as well.  Both NJ and California have had waves of more than 20 to 30 feet.. great for surfers but, a bit extreme.

As the plumber was putting in the shower pan, he had to cut down into the crawl space which was flooded.  I need a new sump pump. 
This close to the water we don't have basements because the water table is way too high. Many houses are on stilts too.

Here are a few photographs for Friday photos.

As the storm passes by

                       "It really was a blessing after the storm"   Diyar Harraz, After the Storm

        "Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains           to them? "Rose Kennedy



  1. Glad y'all are OK. I really like the photo of the lady with the horses. That's so sweet. Stay safe and warm. Hope all the reno's are going well! Blessings. xx

    1. That lady with the horses is my own Famous Anonymous kid! Just celebrated her 24th birthday.

  2. I hope everything is OK and the rain lets up. We woke up to showers today. Hugs!

  3. Love the sky photos. I had similar looking skies tonight that I posted on FB. I hope the sump pump issue can be resolved under your house. I pray the flooding will not come near your doorstep. Praying for your safety and comfort. Love the horse picture, and I see above that is your "Famous Anonymous". LOVE that!!! Wow! Take care my friend.

  4. So glad you are safe !
    The storm photos are beautiful and sobering . You have a good eye for such things !
    Stay safe , well , warm , and your own dear self !

  5. Hope your house is OK. I've been seeing photos along my (CA) coast of the high surf and king tides. Scary stuff!


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