Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Music of Home.. Tuesday 4

Hello again! You are very welcome here at Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
From the play Greenwillow comes the song The Music of Home:

Tis the music of home
The music of home
Full of wonder as angel song
All the music of home
Thе music of home
Singing, "Home is wherе I

There is a music to home.. let's talk about the music in your home.
1. Was home always your safe place? Or did it leave a lot to be desired?  What would improve the music in your home today? 
The music in my home would improve if I had more to do with my time and involving others.
As a kid I felt pretty normal and that home life was normal but I tended to not pay much attention. Today,  I can find lots to improve back then. The fact is that I feel that it's not a good thing to scrutinize things too closely. If you do you will never be happy.  Ignorance is bliss.  The bible even says that too much knowledge is a bad thing. 
2.Do you like coming home at the end of a day?  How about when you were a kid?
Yes.  I liked it as a kid and also when I was in my little apartment with my kids.
Now that I am alone, I like it a bit less.
3. What is the music of your home?  How would you describe life in your home growing up.. in the middle of your life and right now?  Is there a song that might fit your home?
Life growing up was very average in many ways.
I had a full house... kids, bed ridden parent, 2  full time jobs, husband with serious mental illness,  full time everything.     We did fine
I think this song is would be our theme song.  For all of it, the house was usually pretty happy.

4. Like a symphony, home has it's ups and downs as the picture to the side illustrates.  What are your homes best ups and worst downs?( stories of happy times, busted water heaters, goofy things that have happened,  etc.
  The bad stuff was the same stuff that happens to us all.  We can dwell on it or not but, if we do, it will take over.
The good times are times that need to be elevated, played loudly and enjoyed to the fullest in life.
The downs highlighted the good.   
The song goes on.     It ain't over yet.


  1. Good answers to some thought provoking and interesting questions. I wasn't sure about which way to go, so took the long route as usual, but it was still fun and also made me have to think. That's always a good thing at this stage in life. LOL. Yes, we need to focus on the good times and happy, and know that the bad times helped to make us stronger. ((hugs)))

  2. I loved watching 8 is enough. I liked your answers.


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