Saturday, February 10, 2024

At Last

Yet again Sam has supplied us with some wonderful Saturday 9 questions. Saturday 9: At Last (1960)  
I will be around to comment late Saturday night.

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) Etta James sings that "life is like a song." What song reflects how you feel about life these days?
All Summer Long by the Beach Boys..

2) She is delighted to have found the love she has always dreamed of. Have you found true love to be the way you imagined it would be? Or has it surprised you?
3) Etta's mother encouraged her to not just sing but perform a song, telling her daughter, "Even if a song has been done a thousand times, you can still bring something of your own to it." Is there a singer whose performances often touch your heart?
Josh Groban I would say and very especially .Cinema Paradiso
4) As a teen, she was considered a gospel prodigy and churches all around Los Angeles requested she "guest" at their services. Do you have a favorite religious song?
It is Shir Lamaalot from psalm  121.. I will life my eyes unto the hills from whence comes my help. This is my favorite version by Yosef Karduner.

5) "At Last" is one of the most often requested songs for the newlywed's first dance at the reception. What song reminds you of a sweetheart?

Well, let me say this.   I was never 'in love' with a real live man.. only with the mental image of what I hoped him to be but not one ever was and now I see that I was always the only one in love in any relationship I had.  

This is the last Saturday 9 before Valentine's Day and so this morning we shall focus on the upcoming holiday.
6) It's been reported that millions of roses are grown specifically for Valentine's Day each year. What's your favorite flower?
 I like roses , but also white orchids and Lilies.  For wild flowers I like Black eyed Susans ,violets, alyssum, mountain pinks.

7) The earliest recorded celebration of Valentine's Day was in Paris in the year 1400. Obviously you weren't around for that one. What do you remember from one of your earliest, childhood Valentine's

Day celebrations?
I think it was seeing all the hearts hanging in store windows. 

8) About 20% of pet owners say they give their dogs, cats, birds or bunnies a Valentine. Is your pet getting something special on February 14?

9) Of all the professions, teachers are #1 when it comes to receiving Valentine cards. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher?


  1. Loved the Beach Boys too! Surfer Girl, In My Room, Help Me Rhonda, etc. I don't know if they ever made a bad song! That was my era and I loved them! Can't say that I ever had a crush on a teacher either. There just weren't any that were "crush-worthy" in my day. Most were old fuddy-duddies. LOL. There was one young guy teacher fresh out of college, but he thought he was God's gift to everyone, and therefore I did not like him at all. He ended up getting fired for getting drunk and in a fight at the beach one weekend that landed him in jail. So much for that! LOL. Guess that showed him! LOL. Happy Valentine's Day next week. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. Never heard of giving pets Valentine Day cards before. That's kinda silly. Even Steve and I don't celebrate it. I told him before we married I don't "do" Valentines. Just be nice to me and we're good to go. He's never failed me. I'm so blessed.
    Sweet post.
    Blessings. xx

  3. I loved your song choices. I was pleasantly surprised that you chose a song in Hebrew …I love the sound of Hebrew, wish I’d paid more attention in Hebrew school so that I could actually speak it

  4. The first line of Psalm 121 is the motto of my college; they use the Latin version of "levavi oculos" in their college seal. You'll find "levavi oculos" in tiny print on the header of my blog.


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