Thursday, August 1, 2024

Photos on a Friday

The Little is in the land of her ancient  Mitochondrial DNA.. the Iberian peninsula.   She landed in Lisbon, Portugal yesterday and then today she is in Spain and will be for a week.  
She was super excited.

Lisbon storm cloud coming


Meanwhile...   3000 miles  across the Atlantic to the west..
 There is this :



  1. Aw, the joys of youth when one has the stamina to travel. I'm sure the little will have a fabulous time with her friend.

  2. What a fun trip to be on! My ancestry list the Iberian Peninsula as part of my lineage. I like the beach page. Do you go up to the water every day?

  3. Spain & Portugal are on my bucket list. What a trip for her! But where you're at is stunning too.

  4. Those are great photos, and I'm sure it's an adventure she'll never forget. Blessings!

  5. Lovely Little...wonderful photos ! Your local beach tugs at my heart !
    Thank you so much for sharing !

  6. How exciting for her to be way over there in Spain! Looks like a beautiful place, and I'm sure she's having the time of her life! Wow! How wonderful!

  7. I don't have any genetic connections to Portugal, but my heart longs for both Portugal and Spain.

    Worth a Thousand Words


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