Monday, September 2, 2024

Autumn Books

 It is now Tuesday and it is 66F and breezy at nearly 1 o'clock in the afternoon.
I just finished giving the fish their lunch  since they eat 3 times a day in Summer and it is absolutely gorgeous outside.   The  breeze and the  warm sun were wonderful.
Here is my entry for Tuesday 4.

Happy September friends and welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. 

The Autumnal Equinox is September 21 and it is the actual beginning of Autumn. Many, however, consider Labor Day as the unofficial opening of the Autumn season of the "Ber" Month

1. What's on your reading list for September?

I want to reread a few Spenser for Hire books by Robert Parker, Some Agatha Christie too which will include  The Pale Horse

2. Does your favorite reading nook look anything like the one in the picture or do you wish it did?         

In 1997 just after my mother died and the night before I was going to travel to my mothers brothers funeral (they passed within 2 months of one another) I had a 50 pound box of glass gallon vinegar bottles fall on my head in a store. It exacerbated my spinal troubles and for a long time  I couldn't keep my head down to read so I began reading on the computer.  I would sit at the dining room table and use a book support to hold the book up at first, then converted my 3rd bedroom into a library/office.   My back loves my extra deep, wide leather computer chair so I sit at my desk and read books online when available.  I have my blanket on the chair, a nice foot rest under the desk, a place for my coffee and I am all set. I can also prop up a book on my desk to read too.

3. Can you name some books you've read many times?  Do you recommend them?                                    I  recommend 44 Charles Street by Danielle Steele,  One Fifth Avenue by Candace Bushnell , which has a surprise ending, or anything by Agatha Christie.  

4.   Which of the classics have you read?  Good Reads offer a list of classics they recommend here.

I have read all of Shakespeare's plays, most of the books of Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy,   I read Les Miserable in the original French, Madam Bovary, Candide,  all of the works of Charles Dickens,  Moby Dick of course, a lot of the works of Jack Kerouac, James Joyce, TS Elliot, Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Mark Twain, Fitzgerald, Alcott, Hawthorne, James Fennimore Cooper, Booth Tarkington, James Mitchener.                                

 I didn't know how much I'd read until I began writing it down.  You can find a lot of classics online for free. 

 I've read a ton of the classics, but still prefer a good mystery or Danielle Steele love story!


  1. Oh my! What an awful accident! I'm glad you've found a place to sit and read that is comfortable. I enjoyed seeing the classics you've read. After I posted my entry, I thought of a few more that I've read - Gone With the Wind, some Mark Twain. I got interested in Agatha Christie via DVDs - David Suchet's Poirot and Miss Marple (Joan Hickson). That got me reading some of her books. I do love mysteries!

  2. You are amazingly well-read, Annie. Some of those classics, like Moby Dick, even as an English major, couldn't hold my attention and patience. I do love a good mystery, too.

  3. That accident sounds terribly painful. Goodness gracious...I am so thankful you have done as well as you have under the circumstances. And yes, actually sitting at my computer is more comfortable than in my recliner. I have to make myself get up about every 1/2 hour and walk around and stretch, or else I may not be able to get up at all. The desk chair is better for my back, etc. too, but I still love to sit and hold a real book. I don't concentrate as well online...must be the lighting or something. Too easily distracted. Anyway, you are extremely well read, and it shows in a very positive way. I do love good mysteries too...I'm just kind of out of the reading mood right now and need to get back into it. Fall and winter are my best reading times. Thank you for making us think. It's good for us!

  4. Hello ! What a terrific topic !
    My most favorite reading experience was the autumn and winter of 1989 . My son was still small enough for both of us to fit into the big , comfy recliner . Every evening , we claimed that time . I started with The Hobbit and , read through the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy...he was enthralled !
    It is a precious memory that he still talks about !

  5. Wow, what a horrible accident you experienced. I'm glad it didn't keep you from reading but motivated you to find a way to get comfortable reading. I too read a lot on the computer (I didn't mention in my post for the meme) because these days I read more ebooks than I ever did. Sometimes my library only has a book in format.

  6. I always loved Danielle Steele. I better catch up with her too. Thank you and I am always looking for good reading. I am sorry about your accident but you sure have a sweet set up so you are able to enjoy reading. I am grateful here that I get to know you. Thank you.

  7. That is an awful accident. Good that you found a way to read. You have read a lot of books. I think I read one of Danielle Steele books. I did my Tuesday 4 too.

  8. This I Susan and I don't know why I am anonymous.

  9. Oh man. That would be a terrible thing to have happen. :(


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